Philip R. Bishop (b. 1951) is co-author of Thomas Bird Mosher & the Art of the Book, and his articles have appeared in BIBLIO magazine and elsewhere. This independent scholar has made Mosher both his collecting and research passions. In July of 1998 he finished the new Mosher bibliography, Thomas Bird Mosher-Pirate Prince of Publishers co-published by The British Library and Oak Knoll Press. The more humorous side to some of his bibliographical toils was captured in ” A Rosary of Limericks for PRB, but a more sobering side appears in his tribute to Dick Fredeman, a dear departed friend who wrote the Introduction to the new Mosher bibliography.
The author has been a rare books specialist since 1988, after leaving his fourteen-year career as an administrator at Millersville University to work in the rare book trade. He owns and operates the firm, Mosher Books. He is a member of the Private Libraries Association and the Grolier Club in NYC, among others.
Bishop holds a bachelor’s degree from Millersville University, and has pursued advanced master’s studies in philosophy at Villanova University. He is the father of two grown and married children, Benjamin and Melissa, grandfather to Sophia and Reilly Zane, and currently resides, with his wife, Susann, and their feline friend, Flopsy, in an Arts & Crafts house in Ephrata, Pennsylvania.
Any information on, or questions about, Thomas Bird Mosher or The Mosher Books may be directed to Philip R. Bishop.