In Chronological Order
Bishop, Philip R. Here are two different presentations: one is a quick overview of the Bishop-Mosher Collection in its entirety. This gives the reader a close insight into the collection and provides representative examples under its “Bibliography of Representative Items” where each example shown points to the kind of contents that is in the collection. The other presentation is documentation on a binding by Samuel Feinstein who was commissioned to bind a copy of the Memories of President Lincoln printed on pure vellum.
Bishop, Philip R. Presented are two richly illustrated articles on bindings recently acquired for the Bishop-Mosher Collection. The first is the article “The Todd Pattison Binding on Yeats’ The Land of Heart’s Desire– a binding finally secured” which culminates a search over several decades for this binding made by Pattison under the direction of Hugo Peller. The second article entitled “Deidre and the Sons of Usna-Bound by the Internationally Acclaimed Contemporary Bookbinder Tom McEwan” presents McEwan’s binding which he entered in “The Book Beautiful” Exhibition held at Maggs Bros. Ltd., in cooperation with the Designer Bookbinders, in October 2021. This binding and several of McEwan’s re-created “Mosher style” bindings are now in the Bishop-Mosher Collection.
Bishop, Philip R. The acquisition of a special binding for inclusion in the Mosher Collection is detailed in this article called “*Introducing a Bradstreet’s Binding*” in which the binding is described, a preliminary census is presented of other art bindings on Henri Péne du Bois’ American Bookbindings in the Library of Henry William Poor (1903), why the binding was selected for the Bishop-Mosher Collection, and a detailed description of how the binding was obtained is given. There is also a brief discussion on provenance, notes & assessments by another binding collector and former owner—Jeff Stikeman, comments from members of social media, an appendix on an inscribed copy from H. W. Poor to Francis Davis Millet, and a second appendix presenting a review and praises from the books-on-books author, Pradeep Sebastian.
Bishop, Philip R. New Acquisitions—Association Copies, Vellum Imprints & a Cosway Binding. Over the course of the past year a number of items were acquired for The Bishop Collection of Thomas Bird Mosher & The Mosher Books. For researchers, association copies deepen the connections the Mosher Books had to their authors and people represented in the collection. The relatively rare vellum imprints—now numbering 43 in the collection— far surpass any previous collection, private or public. Added to the over 450 bindings in the collection, the Cosway binding is the first such binding found on a Mosher imprint. Yet another English binding was also purchased for the collection, as also was a hand-illuminated copy of Empedocles on Etna (Mosher, 1900). These accessions are explained in detail within this fourteen page posting.
Bishop, Philip R. A picture laden essay on an important sixth Broca binding to enter the Bishop Collection of Thomas Bird Mosher and The Mosher Books, entitled “The Weight of the Wait—The Backstory to a Broca Binding’s Acquisition.” This also includes more information on the owner F. T. Hubbard of Harvard and the Charles E. Lauriat Co. of Boston.
Bishop, Philip R. Three essays are here presented: (1) John Quinn’s Copy of The Bibelot, with an appendix of advertisers across all 20 volumes of The Bibelot, (2) The Story of Amis & Amile, Illuminated by Marie Hoke, and (3) Other Acquisitions and Updates. These write-ups present the latest to enter The Bishop Collection of Thomas Bird Mosher and The Mosher Books.
Bishop, Philip R. The Personal Side of a Collector’s Acquisitions—The H. W. Poor / C. F. Bishop Copy #2 on Vellum of FATHER DAMIEN from the Club Bindery. This is the newest of Mosher’s vellum printed books to enter the Bishop Collection, bringing the total up to 40 vellum Mosher books. In this case it’s in a magnificent binding from the Club Bindery. Presented is the story behind the acquisition. Also included is a gift of Mark Samuels Lasner to the collection.
Bishop, Philip R. “A. A. Turbayne’s Designed Bindings Executed by Lucy Gilchrist Wrightson.” The newest binding to enter the Bishop Collection is on a Mosher’s edition of In Praise of Omar. The binding’s background was thoroughly researched leading to a very interesting connection to A. A. Turbayne which is now firmly established. The binding is indeed designed by A. A. Turbayne, the Boston born, Canadian educated, and designer whose professional life was established in England. It was bound by Lucy Gilchrist Wrightson for Turbayne, and the discovery is yet another example of Turbayne’s evolving design style around 1905. It is hoped this essay may lead another researcher to do a fuller treatment on Turbayne as designer. It is also hoped that Wrightson will also receive more attention as an accomplished binder.
Bishop, Philip R. “A Unique Rockwell Kent Designed Binding, and the Rockwell Kent Review Article It Prompted.” This unique binding design Rockwell Kent used on the text-block of Thomas Bird Mosher’s edition of The Romance of Tristan and Iseult (Mosher, 1922) is here presented along with the entire article as it just appears in the Rockwell Kent Review. Kent’s own title-page was inserted in place of Thomas Bird Mosher’s, and the whole was bound by Donnelley of Chicago to Kent’s specifications. The editor of the Rockwell Kent Review notes, “…Kent designed the special binding for his wife’s personal copy of Tristran and Iseult, a simple graphic that would be repurposed to greater glory and mystery, as resolved here by Phil Bishop.”—p. [1]
Bishop, Philip R. “LEAPS & BOUNDS: New Acquisitions after May 2020” updates the material which has entered the Mosher Collection since the end of May. Included are (1) a number of books from Mosher’s library, some of which are significant to the Mosher bibliography, (2) a Mosher association surrounding a three-volume set of The Idylls and Epigrams of Theocritus…, (3) two vellum printings, one being the William F. Gable copy of MEMORIES OF PRESIDENT LINCOLN with a lovely full-page inscription by T. B. Mosher, (4) an Arts & Crafts binding by Grace Parrish of St. Louis, and (5) other sundries including an announcement of an upcoming article in the Rockwell Kent Review. A new comparative census of vellum printings of the Mosher Books is also now newly provided.
Bishop, Philip R. “New Acquisitions to the Bishop Collection of Thomas Bird Mosher and the Mosher Press” updates the material which has entered the Mosher Collection since September 2019. Included is a write-up on a special signed and inscribed copy of Deirdrê and the Sons of Usna by some of the attendees at A KELTIC EVENING in Manhattan, 1906; numerous special Mosher Press books; and three books from Mosher’s library, including one which is the original source text for his publication, The Dead Leman. The remainder of the article canvasses the newly acquired fine bindings on Mosher publications which have been added to the collection’s over 400 other bindings. Addendum: Yet another has entered the fold, this being a Morrell binding it took 27 years to acquire.
Bishop, Philip R. “Dating Two Bindings by Master Binder, Leonard Mounteney, on Mosher Press Vellum Books” which reveals an outstanding provenance of the Bishop Collection copy of The Germ and likewise the San Francisco Public Library copy of Marius the Epicurean. Includes the process of determining the approximate date of these two fine Leonard Mounteney bindings. The second article is “A Panoply of Acquisitions and Other Updates” with interesting detailed information on new books from Mosher’s library, some fine bindings newly acquired, the long path to acquiring a vellum printing of John Symonds’s Fragilia Labilia, and three association books with one being an interesting copy of a Mosher edition inscribed by Hilaire Belloc and another being a very charming inscription by Mosher to Horace Traubel. Lastly, several gifts to the collection are reported in detail.
Bishop, Philip R. “Summary of Acquisitions to the Mosher Collection 2018 through January 2019” details 30 items (or groups of items) newly entered into the collection, and “Léon Maillard’s ‘La Flore Ornamentale’ Masterpiece / Exhibition Binding on one of four vellum copies of D. G. Rossetti’s Poems (Mosher, 1902)” which presents the binding itself and the acquisition process.
Bishop, Philip R. “Richard Jefferies launches an American Collector’s Passion” in The Richard Jefferies Society Journal—Richard Jefferies: The View from Abroad edited by Peter Robins and Jean Saunders, No. 33. Norfolk, England, [June] 2018, pp. 129-135. Mosher is also mentioned on pp. 7, 68, 139-143. The electronic online PDF version of the Journal is presently available.
Bishop, Philip R. “Acquisitions to the Mosher Press Collection” updates the items acquired for the Mosher Collection since July 2016, including books from Mosher’s library, Mosher letters added to the collection, some unusual miscellaneous items acquired, report on an article recently published, other assistance to scholars, the addition of another Mosher book printed on vellum, Mosher publications in fine bindings newly acquired, and the recent acquisition of two Mitchell Kennerley letters (including a copy of a rare privately printed book for Belle da Costa Greene of the Morgan Library). February 25, 2018
[Bishop, Philip R., subject] Sebastian, Pradeep. “Philip R. Bishop: foremost Mosher scholar and collector” in the “Books” column for The Hindu. Chennai (Madras), India, December 3, 2016. He also wrote a review of Rebecca Rego Barry’s book Rare Books Uncovered—True Stories of Fantastic Finds in Unlikely Places (2015) in which he selected Bishop’s specially bound vellum copy of The Germ as his “personal favourite” story in the book. That Dec. 5, 2015 review can be seen here. Pradeep Sebastian is a bibliophile, columnist, critic, and author of The Groaning Shelf and Other Instances of Book Love (2010) and most recently The Book Hunters of Katpadi: A Bibliomystery (2017).
Bishop, Philip R. Two essays: “A Couple Exhibitions Continue to keep Mosher in the Public Eye” and “Mosher’s ‘Old World’ Kasidah on Edith J. Morley’s Bookshelves,” July 5, 2016.
(Bishop, Philip R., about website) Barry, Rebecca Rego. “A Revamped Website for Mosher Press Collectors,” FineBooks & Collections blog (for FineBooks & Collections magazine), June 20, 2016.
Bishop, Philip R. Three essays: “From Florence Foote, to the Misses Kendall, to Peter Verberg: Some Bindings of Note,” and “Other Additions to the Mosher Collection,” The Delaware Bibliophiles’ Endpapers, March 2016, pp. 16–22, and 34-35. Not included in Endpapers, but published here as well: “Miss Wilcox’s Book Emporium.”
(Bishop, Philip R., subject) Barry, Rebecca Rego. “Leather-Bound Beauty in a Cowboy Outpost” in Rare Books Uncovered—True Stories of Fantastic Finds in Unlikely Places (get a copy). Foreword by Nicholas A. Basbanes. Minneapolis, MN: Voyageur Press, [December] 2015, pp. 44-48. This exciting books-on-books volume is filled with 52 tales of remarkable discoveries from the world of book collecting including those by book dealers, collectors, institutional professionals, and family members who had no idea what lurked in their attic. Bishop’s story, as recounted by Rebecca Barry, is but one of those entertaining and inspiring chapters. (The copied pages from the book are included here with the express permission of both the author and publisher, and may not be reproduced without their permission.)
Bishop, Philip R. Four essays: “Gable’s Inscribed Blessed Damozel & General Jones’s Training Binding,” “Found a little here, and a little there…,” “Philip and Sue Bishop’s ‘Acorn Cottage’ [editor’s notice]“,”A Few Ghostly Reflections,” and “From Charles Frederick Eaton’s ‘The Arts & Crafts’ Shop.” Endpapers, September 2015, pp. 4-6, 23-16, 16, 19-20, 23-24 respectively.
Bishop, Philip and Susann Bishop. “An Ongoing Spirit of Serenity—Acorn Cottage and Oak Acre Gardens” in American Bungalow. No. 85. Sierra Madre, CA: John Brinkmann, publisher, spring 2015, pp. 18-29. This beautifully illustrated article discusses the integration of the interior and exterior spaces of a Gordon-Van Tine bungalow while promoting the aesthetics of the Arts & Crafts period. The pdf for this article has kindly been supplied by the American Bungalow magazine to be used here with their permission.
Bishop, Philip R. Five essays: “Yeats’s inscribed Land of Heart’s Desire“, “Some Spinoffs…“, “An Ellen Gates Starr Binding Revisited“, “The Rubáiyát in a Hans Asper Binding“, and “Acquisitions since last Endpapers” in the Delaware Bibliophiles’ Endpapers, March 2015, pp. 27-28, 19-22, 3-4, 4-6, 6-9 respectively.
Bishop, Philip R., “Acquisitions to the Mosher Press Collection” in the Delaware Bibliophiles’ Endpapers, September 2014, pp. 33-40. Multiple items are covered including (1) two books from Mosher’s library—the Eragny Press Historie de Peau d’Ane and the Brief History of Maine, (2) bindings by Stikeman, the Guild of Women-binders, a small Rubaiyat and a painted binding from the Biulio Giannini Parchment Works on The New Life of Dante Alighieri, (3) a newly acquired vellum printed book, and (4) several references.
Bishop, Philip R., (guest contributor) Entry # 150 “Who must I copy to be original?” on the ‘Charles Ricketts & Charles Shannon’ blog by Paul van Capelleveen (Curator of the Koninklijke Bibliotheek, National Library of the Netherlands), Wednesday, June 11, 2014. Prior entries by Van Capelleveen discussing the Mosher and Ricketts/Vale Press connection include #143, 144, 146, and 148.
Bishop, Philip R., “A Chance Encounter“, “A Few More Acquisitions“, “Mosher’s Ship Books“, and “Gifts to End 2013“, in the Delaware Bibliophiles’ Endpapers, March 2014, pp. 2, 9-13, 19-22, and 30-32 respectively. The first essay briefly describes an nearly impossible coincidence while aboard a commuter bus. The acquisitions of the second enumerative essay highlights eleven new additions to the Mosher Press collection including: a letter from Mosher, an inscribed book, a purchase of a Maeterlinck book from Mosher’s library which led to a lively exchange between collectors, lovely Zaehnsdorf and Stikeman & Co. bindings, and a superb caricature of Mosher Book collector of the Shakespearean actor E. S. Willard. The essay on the books Mosher had aboard his father’s ship leads to a delightful exchange with an Alaskan bookseller. Finally the largess of certain bibliophiles is gratefully acknowledged in the last essay.
Bishop, Philip R., ” ‘My dear Miss Brachvogel…’–A Ms Version of a Yeats Quatrain” in Yeats’s Mask: Yeats Annual No. 19 (Special Issue) ed. by Margaret Mills Harper and Warwick Gould. London: OpenBook Publishers in association with the Institute of English Studies School of Advanced Study–University of London, 2013, pp. 339-348, and Editors’ Note on pp. 348-49. This article involves one of only three known ms. copies of a famous Yeats quatrain (“The friends that have it I do wrong…), and since one of the copies has been relegated to “fair copy” status as per the reported research, the example in the Bishop Collection of the Mosher Press is actually only one of two known manuscript copies which date prior to the poem’s publication. The inscribed Mosher edition is also accompanied by a 2 1/2 page letter from Yeats’s sister, Susan Mary (Lily) Yeats, to the Miss Brachvogel of the article’s title. A prior author/editor revision of this article reinstates half of the footnotes omitted by the editors upon final publication and –while admittedly still in rough form at spots, and sans Editors’ Note–, is here presented for those who might have further interest.
Bishop, Philip R., “Emilie Grigsby’s Catalogue: Dominos behind a Stimulant’s Outcome“, “Books from Mosher’s Library“, “Two Goals Met“, “A Peek Behind the Letters of Two Other Mosher Collectors“, and “A Little Bit Can Go a Long Way” in the Delaware Bibliophiles’ Endpapers, September 2013, pp. 5-6, 19-20, 30-31, 33-35, and 39-40 respectively. The “Grigsby” essay introduces a specially bound catalogue of the Grigsby sale; the second essay on books from Mosher’s library includes some important inscribed books from Richard Le Gallienne to Mosher; while the “Two Goals Met” includes the inclusion of a long sought Mosher book in a binding by the Hampstead Bindery (further revealed as a de Sauty design). The “Peek Behind” essay discusses the correspondence of two now departed Mosher collectors, while the last essay is concerned with a very early business card of T. B. Mosher which introduces a hitherto unknown employee,at Mosher stationary business in Portland.
Bishop, Philip R., “THE BIBELOT – Thomas Bird Mosher’s Vision of Introduction” PowerPoint presentation at the Grolier Club on March 13, 2013 as part of the program supporting the exhibition “American Little Magazines of the 1890s: A Revolution in Print” (Feb. 20-April 27, 2013).
Bishop, Philip R., “An Association of Note: Willa Cather’s Copy of Aucassin & Nicolet“, “One Returned to the Fold, Four Newly Added, and Then Some” and “American Little Magazines of the 1890s: A Revolution in Print” in the Delaware Bibliophiles’ Endpapers, March 2013, pp. 3-5, 23-24, and 33-34 respectively. The first essay discusses a Mosher edition of of Aucassin & Nicolete once owned by Willa Cather and given to her by Isabelle McClung while they lived in Pittsburgh, PA. The second announces the return of a Mosher book hand-illuminated by Clara Chipman Newton of Rookwood Pottery fame. It also presents newly added books from Thomas Bird Mosher’s library: Thomas Hardy’s The Dynasts (1904/1908), the Vale Press edition of Julia Domna (1903), Maurice Hewlett’s A Masque of Dead Florentines (1895) and Earthwork out of Tuscany (1895), the latter containing Mosher’s notes and purchase details. Several other “family owned” additions to the Mosher Press collection are also discussed. The third and final essay is on the new Grolier Club exhibition of the “American Little Magazines” and which items from the Bishop Collection of the Mosher Press appear in the exhibition.
Bishop, Philip R., “Rockwell Kent’s ‘Mosher Book’ Reformulation” and “Ten Biblio-Snippets” In the Delaware Bibliophiles’ Endpapers. September 2012, pp. 1-2 and 21-22 respectively. The first essay preliminarily discusses the acquisition of a unique Kentiana item for which Bishop had been searching for over twenty-four years. This essay introduces the reader to its description and former record of its existence, but only hints at the exact details of the “find” which will have to wait for separate publication. The second listing briefly covers such entries as: Bishop’s participation in the Ticknor Society’s Tenth Anniversary program; the appearance of one of Mosher’s customers, Emilie Grigsby, in the recent Grolier Club exhibition of Ray Stafford, Rare Bookman; materials related to The Bibelot slated for exhibition at the Grolier Club in 2013; a fore-edge painting sold through MOSHER BOOKS in the Annotated Dictionary of Fore-edge Painting, Artists and Binders; the acquisition of yet another Toof Bindery-Otto Zahn binding; engraved stones at Acorn Cottage; a Theodore Roosevelt collector who has risen through the ranks; Malcolm Haslam’s exhibition catalogue, Arts & Crafts Book Covers; the acquisition of a Mosher book and letter from Cambridge, England; and Ellen Terry’s letters to Mosher slated for later publication.
Bishop, Philip R., “Take that Mr. Quinn!“, “Princes may compete for, but only Huntingtons can buy“, and “So, what’s next?” In the Delaware Bibliophiles’ Endpapers. March 2012, pp. 3-6, 14-16, and 23-26 respectively. The first two-part essay is concerned with the climbing number of Mosher books printed on real vellum resulting from the acquisition of John Hay’s In Praise of Omar (Mosher, 1898) bound by the Club Bindery. With this acquisition the Bishop Collection’s holding have surpassed John Quinn’s holdings. The second essay is really a sequel to the first and discusses the purchase of the large quarto Memories of President Lincoln and Other Lyrics of War (Mosher, 1912) printed on real vellum and its all-round importance in the book world. A census of other vellum copies is also presented. The last essay, “So what’s next?” covers the new directions of Mr. Bishop’s collecting and the use of the Mosher Press Collection as a resource for scholars worldwide.
Bishop, Philip R., “A Few more Acquisitions,” “A storm sans égal” “Ever More the Association Copy,” and “A little Stash from the Berkshires.” In the Delaware Bibliophiles’ Endpapers. September 2011, pp. 5-7, 21-25, 29-30, and 35-36 respectively. Numerous new items have entered the Bishop Collection on T. B. Mosher and the Mosher Press as highlighted in the first and last essays listed above. The second essay dealing with a “perfect storm” of acquisitions announces three major additions involving: an important bindings collection; a Mosher book inscribed by William Butler Yeats and accompanied by a letter from his sister, Lily Yeats; and the inclusion of a number of letters and highly interesting material from Mosher’s close friend, Gustav Percival Wiksell. The essay “Ever More the Association Copy” covers the brief story of how the newly published Other Peoples Books (Caxton Club, 2011) was itself augmented by an important item making for a “dynamic duo” of an association copy.
Bishop, Philip R., “The Serendipitous Find still awaits the traveler to real book stores,” “Thomas Hutchinson Reconsidered,” “Some Additional Finds prior to year’s end to the present,” “A Brief Note on the Stinehour Press’s Working Collection,” and “The Cowdin Catalogue.” In the Delaware Bibliophiles’ Endpapers. March 2011, pp. 3-4, 11-13, 19-21, 23, and 27-29 respectively.
Bishop, Philip R., “From My Hands to Yours: Uncovering the Tynan-Wyndham Connection.” In Other People’s Books–Association Copies and the Stories They Tell. Chicago: The Caxton Club, 2011, pp. 128-131. Although a lesser version of this essay appeared in Endpapers, this extensively revised and expanded essay appears in the Caxton Club publication for the first time. Those interested in getting a copy of Other People’s Books may do so by contacting either the Caxton Club or Oak Knoll Books.
Bishop, Philip R., “Serving the Pre-Raphaelites on Blue China: America’s Thomas Bird Mosher Phenomena.” PowerPoint presentation at the Useful & Beautiful–The Transatlantic Arts of William Morris & The Pre-Raphaelites Conference held at the University of Delaware, October 7-9, 2010.
Bishop, Philip R., “One of my Few Entrances into the World of Blogs,” “Another Textual Source brought into the Fold.” “A Few Ruminations over a Binding,” “Plodding Along,” and “A Sad Remembrance.” In the Delaware Bibliophiles’ Endpapers. September 2010, pp. 7-8, 13-15, 24-26, 36-38, and 39 respectively. The first essay is a humorous exchange between a blogger and Bishop in which Bishop corrects some of the blogger’s impressions while the second deals with another added book in the Mosher collection to others which Mosher edited. The third essay describes an Arts & Crafts binding with an oak leaf & acorn design. The fourth is concerned with how the collector can add small acquisitions which might become important ones when combined with others. Lastly the death of bookman, John Ballinger, is briefly discussed.
Bishop, Philip R., “A little bit of this… and a little bit of that…” and “The William Roberts of Rose Valley Connection” In the Delaware Bibliophiles’ Endpapers. March 2010, pp. 6-10 and p.23. The first essay involves a number of purchases over the past few months of 2009 and into 2010 including association copies, a pure vellum milestone reached, and acquisition of the earliest known Mosher Press letter in the Bishop Collection. the second essay is concerned with a small archive of material written by Mosher to a member of the Rose Valley community outside of Philadelphia.
Bishop, Philip R., “Hard to find Ephemera and a Lesson Learned,” “Welcome Ellen,” “The Bigger Strikes Aren’t Over,” “A Bubble Burst,” and “When Bored, Think Up a Different Tact” In the Delaware Bibliophiles’ Endpapers. September 2009, pp. 6-8, 21, 29-32, 39-40 and 44-45. The ephemera article discusses a long sought keepsake broadside printed by Emily Woodward and how the search for the source of the Mosher statement quoted led to textual discoveries; the Ellen essay discusses the welcome of an Ellen Gates Starr binding; “Bigger Strikes” is about a find of material from the Flora lamb estate; the “Bubble Burst” covers what might have been Mosher’s copy of Bell’s British Theatre, and “When Bored…” takes a different tact on approaching dealers with material of moderate interest.
Bishop, Philip R., “Another Fish off the Hook” In the Delaware Bibliophiles’ Endpapers. March 2009, pp. 8-10. Discusses how a Mosher book sold many years ago made its way back to Bishop’s Mosher collection.

Bishop, Philip R. and Susann M. “Garver’s Castle on the Hill–A 1928 Gordon-Van Tine bungalow shines on thanks to respectful, appreciative homeowners” in Cottages & Bungalows (Reader Scrapbook feature), February / March 2009, pp. 84-85. With thanks to the editor, Hillary Black, permission was granted to mount these pages as seen in Cottages & Bungalows magazine. For further information please visit
Bishop, Philip R. “Extra Binding and the Mosher Books–An Overview from the Bishop Collection” and Shawn Purcell, “An Interview with Philip R. Bishop of MOSHER BOOKS” in The IOBA Standard–The Journal of the Independent Online Booksellers Association. Vol. IX, No. 4, Fall 2008 (posted December 2008). Available at
Bishop, Philip R., “Garver’s Castle on the Hill” in Transparencies, Reflections, Light: Photographic Views of the Cocalico Valley. Ephrata, PA: The Historical Society of the Cocalico Valley, 2008, pp. 20-21 (and reference footnotes).
Bishop, Philip R., “To be Mentioned is Gratifying,” “Receiving the Unexpected,” “Welcome Home Miss Emilie,” and “To Delay is not Necessarily Bad” In the Delaware Bibliophiles’ Endpapers. September 2008, pp. 1, 5-6, 6-7 and 21-23 respectively.
Bishop, Philip R., transcriber/editor. “Mosher’s Poetic Reflections on Soldiers’ Monument / Monument Square, Portland, Maine.” Keepsake of a hitherto unpublished two-page poem (working copy) on the “Our Lady of Victories” statue at which Memorial Day’s festivities are celebrated by Portlanders each year. Limited to 80 numbered and signed copies and 20 inscribed copies lettered A-T. Printed in commemoration of the well received, rather dynamic PowerPoint presentation “Thomas Bird Mosher and the Mosher Books as seen through The Bishop Collection” to The Baxter Society (Maine’s only book club) on May 14th, 2008.
Bishop, Philip R., “The Lost Galleon Found” In the Delaware Bibliophiles’ Endpapers. March 2008, pp. 18-20. Details the process whereby a book customer’s gift, Mosher’s note laden copy of Bret Hart’s The Lost Galleon and Other Tales (San Francisco, 1867), lead to the decision to research and write the biography of Thomas Bird Mosher.
(Bishop, Philip R., subject) Greene, Jo-Ann (books editor). “Following his Bibliobliss: Collector Scores Book that ‘Starred’ in Film.” In “Perspectives” section of the Lancaster Sunday News. December 23, 2007, p. P4.
Bishop, Philip R., “A Collection Within a Collection” and “Source Texts from a Publisher” In the Delaware Bibliophiles’ Endpapers. September 2007, pp. 7-10 and 21-22 respectively. “A Collection Within a Collection” singles out one sub-collection from among ten such inner collections. In this case it’s Mosher books printed on real vellum and how close the collector is to equaling if not surpassing the Norman Stores collection in this area. The “Source Texts from a Publisher” is concerned with the newly acquired biography of James Thomson, H.S. Salt’s The Life of James Thomson (“B.V.”), which contains numerous notations by Mosher and displays his editorial marks for The Bibelot and how this book related to a letter from Mosher in the collection.
Bishop, Philip R., “This Business of Collecting” and “A Pre- Post-Mortum Addition to a Book Collection” In the Delaware Bibliophiles’ Endpapers. Special issue entitled “An Anthology of Articles from Endpapers 1994-2002,” Spring 2007, pp. 21-22 and 37-38. The editor notes: “This anthology was assembled in the spring of 2007 as part of our celebration of the 30th anniversary of our club. This will give newer members an overview of some of the articles we have published in the past… In selecting articles we sought, where possible, to have ones that dealt with the adventures or discoveries made as a book collector…” There is a total of thirty-three authors selected covering forty-one contributions.
Bishop, Philip R., “When a List begins to Dwindle–Memento Mori” In Delaware Bibliophiles’ Endpapers, March 2007, pp. 7-10. This essays deals with the acquisition of select books from a fellow Mosher collector’s library, the affect on Bishop’s Wants List, and how this process leads to thoughts toward the one’s own final years/months/days of collecting, however many or few they may be.
Bishop, Philip R., “Taking Stock.” In Delaware Bibliophiles’ Endpapers, September 2006, pp. 19-20. A brief overview of numerous purchases including association copies of the Mosher Books, the acquisition of a couple extra-illuminated Mosher books, and a brief overview of an archive of Mosher correspondence to publisher bookseller Charles S. Pratt.
Bishop, Philip R., “Once and Twice Missed.” In Delaware Bibliophiles-Endpapers, March 2006, pp. 9-14.”
Bishop, Philip R., “The French Connection: Thoughts from a Pandit in Switzerland,” “Lights, Action, Camera,” “More Primary Sources & Bibliopegic Delights” and “The Burden of a Large Collection.” In Delaware Bibliophiles-Endpapers, September 2005, pp. 7-14, 23-28, 34-36, and 39 respectively. “The French Connection…” deals with Bishop’s long-distance friendship with Richard McErlean and how this lead to a “book find” through the internationally known book scout, Martin Stone of Paris. The second essay covers the steps taken to secure the actual Mosher book used in an upcoming movie directed by Isabel Coixet entitled “The Secret Life of Words” starring Tim Robbins. The third is a brief rundown on some new acquisitions for Bishop’s Mosher collection including an inscribed Mosher book by Hilaire Belloc, and several fine bindings on Mosher books (Hatchards, Battershall, etc.). The last brief one-page essay touches upon how the riches of association copies precluded buying a non-association copy of the same book.
Bishop, Philip R., ” At the Opening of the Club Bindery Exhibition,” “A Thanksgiving Cornucopia Spilling Over into December,” “A Long Overdue Trip to Portland” and “From My Hands to Yours: Uncovering the Tynan-Wyndham Connection.” In Delaware Bibliophiles-Endpapers, March 2005, pp. 2-4, 9-15, 23-26, and 31-33 respectively. The first essay covers Bishop’s personal reflections while attending the Club Bindery Exhibition including the four entries in which he had some involvement, and with some discussion on the Mosher books and fellow attendees at the exhibit. The second essay covers a wide range of items vigorously sought and purchased for the Mosher collection. The essay on the Portland details some of the purchases made while visiting some favorite haunts in Mosher’s hometown area. Lastly, the essay on Tynan & Wyndham reveals a loving connection between two literary types who exchanged somewhat intimate correspondence but who regrettably never met.
Bishop, Philip R., “Thomas Bird Mosher (Fine and Beautiful Books)” in Warren G. Bennice, ed. Dominant’s Encyclopedia of Movers & Shakers–Social & Cultural Celebrities. Vol. 2. New Delhi, India: Dominant Publisher and Distributors, 2004, pp. 324-327. Unattributed article taken without permission from the Mosher Press website.
Bishop, Philip R., “Unexpected Kindnesses,” “The Mosher Bookplate,” “A Little Celebration” and “More Kindnesses Remembered – An Addendum.” In Delaware Bibliophiles-Endpapers, September 2004, pp. 3-8, 13-15, 20-21, and 23-26 respectively. The first essays deals with the kind things some individuals have done to support the Mosher collection assembled by Bishop. “The Mosher Bookplate” essay involves an exchange with James Keenan and Mosher’s entry in his The Art of the Bookplate as discussed with Thomas G. Boss. The “Little Celebration” is concerned with the completion of the scarcest series in the Mosher canon: the Reprints from ‘The Bibelot’ Series. “More Kindnesses” is just that, a continuation of the first essay bringing matters up-to-date.
Bishop, Philip R., “The Mosher Mimes the Merrier,” “Mosher and Dr. Butterworth,” “The Wailing Wall,” and “Influences through the Mosher Press Website.” In Delaware Bibliophiles-Endpapers, March 2004, pp. 1, 7-10, 17-18, and 25-28 respectively. The first brief essay deals with a sub-collection of Marcel Schwob’s Mimes; the next essay with the relationship Bishop had with the elderly gentleman, Dr. Theron Butterworth, a book lover whose mother corresponded with Mosher; the third essay is about the placement of two symbols of book disasters; and the fourth touches upon how the Mosher Press website facilitates contact between scholars and the website’s compiler.
Bishop, Philip R., “Garden Correspondences” in Delaware Bibliophiles-Endpapers, September 2003, pp. 31-33. Discusses the development and organization of a perennial garden and its comparison to a collection in a private library.
Bishop, Philip R., interview by Allan Stypeck and Mike Cuthbert, The Book Guys, National Public Radio, March 20, 2003. During this interview (#0312) Phil Bishop of Mosher Books discusses his passion for collecting and introduces listeners to the early twentieth century “private press” publisher of Portland, Maine: Thomas Bird Mosher.
Bishop, Philip R., “William E. Fredeman, 1928-1999” Obituary in the Proceedings of the Royal Society of Canada. 2001 Sixth Series, Volume XII., 2002, pp. 139-143.
Bishop, Philip R., “Deliberations on a Letter” In Delaware Bibliophiles-Endpapers, March 2003, pp. 25-28. Discusses the decision making process behind the acquisition of an original 2 1/4 page letter from the British poet, Lionel Johnson, which rails against Thomas Bird Mosher and his appropriation of Johnson essay on Robert Bridges. The essay also reveals how the recipient of the letter, Thomas Hutchinson (editor, minor poet and book collector), was discovered and confirmed.
Bishop, Philip R., “A Cynosure for 2002” In Delaware Bibliophiles-Endpapers, March 2003, pp. 8-12. Deals with the capture of one of the most important Mosher books to surface in decades: the Simon Nowell-Smith copy of George Meredith’s Modern Love (Mosher, 1891), one of ten copies printed on Japan vellum, presented to the author by the publisher, and inscribed by the author and presented in a special Cedric Chivers monogram binding to Lady Jean Palmer of Frognall, Sunninghill, England.
Bishop, Philip R., “Decherd Turner Dies–Famed Institutional Collector & Bookman” Obituary in Delaware Bibliophiles-Endpapers, September 2002, p. 32.
Bishop, Philip R., “Speak Up, or Forever Hold Your Peace” In Delaware Bibliophiles-Endpapers, September 2002, pp. 9-12. A continuation of the article on Charles Ditmas, keeper of clocks at Harvard, and the acquisition of two bindings by Silvia Rennie on Mosher books, both of which illustrated how a book can “speak” to the collector. Reprinted February 2003, with minor changes, on the Antiquarian Booksellers’ Association of America website.
Bishop, Philip R., “Of Clocks & Books” In Delaware Bibliophiles-Endpapers, March 2002, pp. 32-33. Article on Charles Ditmas, keeper of clocks at Harvard, and parallels with the passion of a book collector. Reprinted December 2002, with minor changes, on the Antiquarian Booksellers’ Association of America website as “Dialog with Clocks and Books.”
Bishop, Philip R., “Didn’t Need Santa This Year!” In Delaware Bibliophiles-Endpapers, March 2002, pp. 13-17. Report on major acquisitions including: six Mosher titles printed on real vellum, Flora M. Lamb’s set of The Bibelot, several bindings by American women, a binding by Miss Gaskell of the Guild of Women-Binders, the printer’s proof of the 1912 Memories of President Lincoln, and a letter from C. H. St. John Hornby to Mosher.
Bishop, Philip R., ” The Petite Memoirs… a la ‘The Daunt Diana’ ” In Delaware Bibliophiles-Endpapers, March 2001, pp. 13-21. Parallel discussions of Bishop’s collection mindset with selections from Edith Wharton’s short story, “The Daunt Diana” as it appeared in the July 1909 issue of Scribner’s Magazine.
Bishop, Philip R., ” More from the Petite Memoirs… ” In Delaware Bibliophiles-Endpapers, March 2001, pp. 5-8. Article on numerous acquisitions made for the Mosher collection including six volumes from Mosher’s personal library, correspondence from Mosher to the Schleuning & Adams Bindery, discussion of a book inscribed by Mosher to Theodore Watts Dunton [D.G. Rossetti’s Ballads & Sonnets (Portland, ME: Mosher, 1903, copy No. 10 of 25 on Japan vellum)], and Mosher books from the library of the British actor, Edward Smith Willard.

Bishop, Philip R., comp., and Introduction in A B.R. QUARTET–Letters from Bruce Rogers to Thomas Bird Mosher at The Houghton Library. The Typophiles Monograph Series. New York: The Typophiles, Inc., 2001. [See image, right.]
Bishop, Philip R., “B.R. on T. B. M.” A Keepsake for The Typophiles. Lmtd. to 75 copies. Distributed to members at the talk “Some Stylistic Elements of the Books of Thomas B. Mosher.” June 14, 2000.
Bishop, Philip R., “B.R. on T. B. M.” A Keepsake for The Philobiblon Club. Lmtd. to 75 copies. Distributed to members at the talk “The Mosher Books in Some of Their Graphical Aspects.” May 9, 2000.
Bishop, Philip R., ” A Pre- Post-Mortem Addition to a Book Collection. ” In Delaware Bibliophiles-Endpapers, March 2000, pp. 17-18.
Bishop, Philip R., “A Report from the Front Lines in May 2001” in Delaware Bibliophiles Endpapers, September 2001, pp. 7-11. In addition to the discussion on several new Mosher acquisitions to the Bishop collection, this article provides a lengthy discussion about the newly acquired Curtis Hidden Page copy of The Germ (Mosher, 1898, one of twenty-five copies on Japan vellum) bound by the Guild of Women-Binders.
Bishop, Philip R., “From ‘ The Petite Memoirs of a Petty Book Collector ‘ ” In Delaware Bibliophiles-Endpapers, September 2000, pp. 19-22. Includes an explanation of how “petite” and “petty” are being employed, and an entertaining story of how a Bruce Rogers item from Mosher’s library, with letter from Fred Coykenall (chairman of trustees of Columbia University and an Arthur Rackham collector), finally came to rest in the Bishop collection.
(Bishop, Philip R., subject) Fredeman, William E. “A Rosary of Limericks for PRB” In Delaware Bibliophiles-Endpapers, March 2000, p. 12.
Bishop, Philip R., “This Business of Collecting” In Delaware Bibliophiles-Endpapers, September 1999.
Bishop, Philip R., Review of “S. A. Neff, Jr. Catalogue” in Guild of Book Workers Newsletter 123 (April 1999): 13-15.
Bishop, Philip R., Thomas Bird Mosher : Pirate Prince of Publishers–A Comprehensive Bibliography and Source Guide to The Mosher Books Reflecting England’s National Literature and Design. New Castle, DE: Oak Knoll Press; London: The British Library, 1998.
Bishop, Philip R., ed. The Mosher Press. Online. Internet. 15 June 1998-present. Website address at (updated periodically).
Bishop, Philip R., “Thomas Bird Mosher–Publishing Prince… or Pirate?” In BIBLIO-The Magazine for Collectors of Books, Manuscripts and Ephemera 2:7 (July 1997): 38-45.
Bishop, Philip R., and Jean-François Vilain. Thomas Bird Mosher and the Art of the Book. Philadelphia, PA: F. A. Davis Co., 1992.
Bishop, Philip R., and Jean-François Vilain. “The Covers of The Mosher Books” in TBR — Trade Bindings Research Newsletter, edited by Linda Herman and Cynthia Bruns of California State University at Fullerton Library. Issue #5, June 1992, pp. 16-20.
Bishop, Philip R., “Thomas Bird Mosher–A Remembrance.” In The National Book Collector 2:3 (May/June 1991).
Bishop, Philip R., “The Peace Activities of Rufus D. Bowman, 1931-1936.” In Brethren Life and Thought 20:2 (Spring 1975): 97-103.