Adams, Franklin Pierce. Tobogganing on Parnassus. New York, Doubleday, Page & Company, 1911. 8vo, decorated boards, about fine. 1st Edition. Inscribed to Thomas Bird Mosher by Adams in the year of publication. With Mosher’s bookplate on the verso of the front board. The inscription reads: “For Thomas B. Mosher with | the regards of the donor, | Jacquin Campbell, her | husband and the talented | Author, | Franklin P. Adams. | Christmas 1911.”
Allingham, H. and Radford, D. William Allingham–A Diary. London: Macmillan and Co., 1907. Tall 8vo., blue cloth, illustrated.
[Anderdon, John Lavicount]. The River Dove with Some Quiet Thoughts on the Happy Practice of Angling. London: William Pickering, 1847.
Anderson, G. F. Reynolds. The White Book of the Muses. Edinburgh: George P. Johnston, 1895. 8vo, white cloth. Tipped in letter from Edinburgh dated 16 April 1898 from J. Anderson to Mosher stating: “Dear Sir. I received your letter of the 26th March, also the three registered parcels a few days ago, all safe and in perfect condition, and have to thank you for the careful attention you have given to this trifling order of mine. The same day and same hour my son arrived from America bringing with him the other precious volumes of your series that had been sent him there, so I now possess an almost complete set of these most desirable Portland books. I approve of registration and am pleased to pay the cost of some. My son who is only yet 19, published more than three years ago a volume of verses the result of his reading from his twelfth to his fifteenth year, and I take the liberty of sending you a copy which I hope you will accept with our compliments, and admiration of the good work you are doing in the special publication of so many exquisite volumes. Of course the critics “went for” this “White Book of the Muses” with singular unanimity, but we kept the boy’s age a secret, and enjoyed the result immensely. Some half dozen or so of the poems are perhaps worth reproduction, and my revised edition would be a very slim book indeed. I shall be glad to have your new list in the Autumn: but meanwhile remain …”
Annunzio, Gabriele. The Child of Pleasure. New York: Geo. H. Richmond, 1898. 8vo, original decorated yellow cloth.
Annunzio, Gabriele d’. Francesca da Rimini. Milan: Fratelli Treves, 1902. Architectural title-page, ex-libris page, two borders, five full-page decorations, including colophon, vignettes, and initials by Adolfo de Carolis, printed in red and black. Original vellum binding (broken ties); inscribed by the author to the actress, Julia Marlowe.
Annunzio, Gabriele d’. Gioconda. Translated by Arthur Symons. London: William Heinemann, 1901
Artzibashef, Michael. Breaking-Point. Second Impression. New York: Huebsch, 1915. 8vo, black cloth.
Artzibashef, Michael. Sanine. Translated by Percy Pinkerton with a Preface by Gilbert Cannan. Fourth Impression. New York: Huebsch, 1915. 8vo, black cloth
Bain, Francis William, trans. Digit of the Moon: A Hindoo Love Story. Translated from the Original MS by F. W. Bain. Second edition. London: James Parker and Co., 1901.
Ballard, Harlan H. Three Kingdoms–A Handbook of the Agassiz Association. Fourth Edition. St. Louis: Mekeel, 1897. 12mo, original blue cloth.
Balzac, Honoré de. Droll Stories Collected from The Abbeys of Touraine. Illustrated with 425 Designs by Gustave Doré. London, John Camden, no date. Thick 8vo, original pictorial red cloth. With Mosher’s signature on the title-page.
(Beardsley, Aubrey) Gray, Rev. John. Last Letters of Aubrey Beardsley. London: Longmans, Green, and Co., 1904.
Bell, Dr. Ralcy Husted. The Worth of Words. With an Introduction by Dr. William Colby Cooper. Third edition. New York: Hinds & Noble, 1903.
Belloc, Hilaire. The Green Overcoat. Bristol: Arrowsmith, 1912. First edition. 12mo. Illustrated by G. K. Chesterton.
Benson, Arthur Christopher. Essays. New Edition. New York: Dutton, 1907. 8vo, original maroon cloth.
Benson, Arthur Christopher. The House of Quiet–An Autobiography. Edited by J. T. London, John Murray, 1905. 8vo, original blue cloth.
Benson, Arthur Christopher. Lord Vyet and Other Poems. London: John Lane The Bodley Head, 1897. Small 8vo., includes clipped poems from other sources tipped into, or pasted to, the book.
Benson, Arthur Christopher. The Thread of Gold. New York, Dutton, 1905. 8vo, original pictorial cloth.
Bigelow, Edward F. Walking: A Fine Art… Salem, Mass: Cassino, [1907]. Original green cloth. Inscribed to Mr. T.B. Mosher “In a special token of appreciation of his interest in Thoreau and Jefferies… Mar 21, 1911.” and includes a single page typed letter noting a reciprocal exchange of books between the two men, and cordially inviting Mosher to become a member of The Agassiz Association of which Bigelow was president.
Bisland, Elizabeth. At the Sign of The Hobby Horse. London: Constable [and] Boston and New York: Houghton Mifflin, [1910]. 8vo, original gilt decorated green cloth.
Blackmore, Richard Doddridge. Fringilla or Tales in Verse. Cleveland, 1895. Limited edition. Illustrated by Will Bradley.
Blake, William. The Book of Job. London: George Bell & Sons (The Abbey Press), 1902. Limited edition, No. 414 of 750 copies on handmade paper. Bound in vellum with ties intact. Title and design by Robert Trail Rose. Type arrangement and printing by William H. White.
Boccaccio, Giovanni. The Decameron. Englished by John Payne. 3 vols. London: The Villon Society, 1886. Limited edition; copy No. 31. Bound in decorated vellum.
The Bookman. An Illustrated Literary Journal. Vol. V. New York, March-August 1897. Royal 8vo, original cloth; illustrated.
Bottomley, Gordon. A Vision of Giorgione: Three Variations on a Venetian Theme. London: Constable, 1922. 8vo, green cloth. First British edition in its complete form. Autograph presentation inscription: “To Mr. Thomas Bird Mosher, with Gordon Bottomley’s appreciative regards. Silverdale, 4th January 1923.”
Bourget, Paul. A Cruel Enigma. Translated… by Julian Gray. London: Vizetelly, 1887. 8vo, original decorated blue cloth.
Braithwaite, William Stanley, ed. Anthology of Magazine Verse from 1913-16. 4 vols. Cambridge, [1913-16]. 8vo, original cloth-backed boards, uncut. With an autograph presentation inscription by Braithwaite to Mr. Mosher on the front end-leaf of the first volume: “To Thomas Bird Mosher–A good Lover of Verse–William Stanley Braithwaite. New Year 1914.”
Braithwaite, William Stanley, ed. Anthology of Magazine Verse for 1915 and Yearbook of American Poetry. New York: Gomme & Marshall, 1915. Mosher’s copy with his checks beside two Robert Frost poems in the “Table of Poems,” p. viii. Inscribed by Braithwaite in 1949, “For Eugene L. Delafield whom Tom Mosher would have delighted–William Stanley Braithwaite”; also signed by poets Percy Mackaye (“The Return of August,” p. 137) & Arvia Mackaye (“Fire Castles,” p. 58) in the 1950s.
Braithwaite, William Stanley. Lyrics of Life and Love. Boston: Herbert B. Turner & Co., 1904 [“Published September 1904”]. First published book of poetry by this black author from Harvard. Inscribed to Mosher: “To Thomas B. Mosher | For his love of, and service in, | the noblest art in man | expresses the heart and | soul of man — and for | the Beauty of Form in which | he clothes those dreams of | loveliness — | William Stanley Braithwaite | September * 1909 | Cambridge, Mass.”

Brooke, Rupert. The Collected Poems of Rupert Brooke. New York: John Lane, 1915. First edition; second thousand. With the printed slip inserted: “Compliments of John Lane Company / The Bodley Head / 116-120 West 32nd St. New York”
Brooke, Rupert. The Old Vicarage Grantchester. With a Woodcut by Noel Rooke. London: Sidgwick & Jackson, 1916. Original printed grey wrappers.
Brown, Horatio F. In and Around Venice. London, 1905.
Brown, Horatio F. Life on the Lagoons. Second Edition, revised. New York: Macmillan, 1894. 8vo, original green cloth, illustrated.
Brown, Horatio F., trans. Venice Its Individual Growth from the Earliest Beginnings to the Fall of the Republic by Pompeo Molmenti. 4 vols. London: John Murray, 1906. 8vo, original cloth.
Brown, Thomas Edward. Poems of T.E. Brown. Selected and Arranged with an Introduction and Notes by H. F. B. and H. G. D. London: Macmillan and Co., Lmtd., 1908.
Brownell, Henry Howard. War-Lyrics and Other Poems. Boston: Ticknor and Fields, 1866. 12mo, original brown cloth.
Browning, Elizabeth B. Sonnets from the Portuguese. [Boston: Copeland & Day], 1896. Limited edition: one of 750, printed by the University Press, and English handmade paper.
Browning, Robert. Pauline; A Fragment of a Confession… A Reprint of the Original Edition of 1832. Edited by Thomas J. Wise. London: Printed by Richard Clay and Sons [for T.J. Wise], 1886. Dr. Richard Garnett’s copy inscribed by T. J. Wise: “With the Editor’s Compliments” and signed by Garnett on the title page.
Buchanan, Robert Williams. David Gray and Other Essays. London: Sampson Low, and Son, and Marston, 1868. First edition. Source book for the text and portrait illustration in Mosher’s edition of The Story of David Gray (1900).
Buchanan, Robert Williams. The Complete Poetical Works. 2 vols. London, 1901.
Buchanan, Robert Williams. The Piper of Hamelin–A Fantastic Opera In Two Acts. With Illustrations by Hugh Thomson. London: William Heinemann, 1893.
Buckle, Henry Thomas. Essays. With a Biographical Sketch of the Author. New York: D. Appleton and Company, 1863. First edition. This copy inscribed twice by Thomas Bird Mosher, one note bearing the date August 17, 1915 to Gustav Percival Wiksell. The volume also includes a tipped in press proof from the September 1905 issue of The Bibelot with Mosher’s marginal notes, also addressed to GPW (Gustav P. Wiksell).
Inscription 1 | Inscription 2 | Biblelot Press Proof
Bullen, A. H. (Arthur Henry). Weeping-Cross and Other Rimes. London: Sidgwick and Jackson, Ltd., 1921. First edition. Decorated boards, cloth back.
Bulwer-Lytton, Edward Robert (i.e., Owen Meredith). King Poppy. London & New York: Longmans, Green and Co., 1892.
(Bulwer-Lytton) Temple, Neville (i.e., Julian Henry Charles Fane) and Edward Trevor (i.e., Edward Robert Bulwer-Lytton). Tannhäuser; or, The Battle of the Bards. A Poem. London: Chapman and Hall, 1861. First edition.
Bunyan, John. The Pilgrim’s Progress from This World to That Which is to Come; Delivered Under the Similitude of a Dream. With a Memoir of the Author. London: The Religious Tract Society, [ca. 1863]. 8vo, original lavender gilt-stamped cloth, A.e.g., color plates, inscribed “Thomas B Mosher presented to him by his father. London October 15|63.” Mosher himself wrote of the influence The Pilgrim’s Progress had on him. In relating his earlier recollections, he mentions this particular copy in saying “later when I was in London in the fall of 1863 my father took me in a cab along with my mother and sister to the Bible Society under the shadow of St. Paul’s Cathedral where at my request the finest copy that they printed of the book–colored plates, gilt edges and bevelled [sic] cloth boards cover–became mine, the first copy I ever owned but assuredly not the last… I think it is clear that other than Mother Goose I must first have felt in any lasting impressions that magic of prose–The Pilgrim’s Progress was the starting point…” Other than the Beedle’s dime novels, this book may be said to mark the beginning of Mosher’s book collecting. The book was given by Mosher to his assistant, Flora Lamb, purchased by a Portland bookdealer at the her estate sale, then sold to another Portland bookdealer before coming to the Bishop collection.
Bunyan, John. The Pilgrim’s Progress. Being a Facsimile Reproduction of the First Edition. NY: Baker & Taylor Co., n.d. [1885].
Burn, John Henry. The Churchman’s Treasury of Song: Gathered from the Christian Poetry. London: Methuen, [1907]. 8vo, gilt decorated blue cloth.
(Burns, Robert) In Memory of Robert Burns. With an Introduction by Richard Le Gallienne. London: Marcus Ward, 1896. Edition de Luxe limited to 200 copies. Vellum covers. Illustrated; facsimile plates of Burn’s handwriting.
[Burton, Sir Richard] The Kasidah (couplets) of Haji Abdu El-Yezdi. London: Quaritch, 1880. First edition, second issue. Small 4to; original wrappers: backstrip repaired, wrappers loose; date and publisher’s name on the title-page. Copy used for the facsimile plates and text copy of Mosher’s own editions of The Kasidah.
[Burton, Sir Richard] The Kasîdah (couplets) of Haji Abdu El-Yezdi. London: H. S. Nichols and Co., 1894. Second edition. Copy No. 4 of 100. Text printed on one side only. Includes the informative Preface by Lady Burton not present in the first edition Small 4to, cloth, uncut.
Butler, Samuel. Hudibras. With Variorum Notes… Edited by Henry G. Bohn. London: Bohn, 1859. 8vo, original green cloth. With Mosher’s signature and date on the title-page: “Thomas Bird Mosher May 1869” Though not so listed, this is certainly one of the “Ship” books.
Cabell, James Branch. Figures of Earth–A Comedy of Appearances. London: John Lane, 1921. 8vo, original green cloth and dust jacket.
Canton, William. The Invisible Playmate: A Story of the Unseen: With Appendices. London: Isbister & Co., 1895. 12mo, original tan cloth boards.
Carpenter, Edward. Love’s Coming-of-Age. A Series of Papers on the Relations of the Sexes. New York and London: Mitchell Kennerley, 1911. Original red cloth.
Carpenter, Rev. W. B. Twilight Dreams. London and New York: Macmillan, 1893. 8vo, red cloth.
Cashmore, Adeline, ed. The Mount of Vision. A Book of English Mystic Verse. Selected & Arranged by Adeline Cashmore. With an Introduction by Alice Meynell. London: Chapman and Hall, [1910]. 8vo, original gilt decorated blue cloth.
(Catullus) Allen, Grant. The Attics of Caius Valerius Catullus. London: David Nutt, 1892. One of 550 copies. Paper covers.
(Caxton Club) Exhibition catalogue: A Chronological List of the More Important Issues of Edward FitzGerald’s Version of the Rubiayat of Omar Khayyam, and of Other Books, Written, Translated, Edited or Owned by Him… Chicago, IL: The Caxton Club (Lakeside Press), 1899. Laid in are four autograph letters / notes, addressed to Mosher, regarding various editions of the Rubaiyat: two letters from Eben Francis Thompson ( a two page ALs on the letterhead of the Society of the Sons of the Revolution in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, and a single page ALs on the letterhead of The Omar Khayyam Club of America), a note from N.H. Dole (Nathan Haskell Dole), and a two page letter written on both sides of a single sheet, initialled D.R. which begins: “I have been trying to get time for several weeks to go over all my Omars & see where I am at but I have not succeeded….”
Chambers, C.E.S. A Catalogue of Some of the Rarer Books, also Manuscripts in the Collection of C. E. S. Chambers, Edinburgh. With a Bibliography of the Works of William and Robert Chambers. Edinburgh: Privately Printed, 1898. One of the special presentation copies, in green cloth binding and inscribed to: “The Rev’d A. Stopford Brooke… With best Regards of C.E.S. Chambers. Edinburgh, December 1899.”
Chapman, Elizabeth Rachel. A Little Child’s Wreath. [By the] author of a companion to in memoriam. London: Elkin Mathews; New York: Dodd Mead and Company, 1895. With tipped in poem “Lullaby” by Frances Bartlett.
Chesson, Nora. Aquamarines. London: Grant Richards, 1902. 12mo, vellum backed blue boards.
Chesterton, Gilbert K. Twelve Types–A Book of Essays. London: Humphreys, 1903. 8vo, original green cloth.
Cheyne, Elizabeth Gibson. The Way of the Lord. Arranged in cycles by T. K. C. [i.e., Thomas Kelly Cheyne]. South Elms, Oxford: Published by Mrs. Cheyne, no date [1911 or 1915]. 8vo, blue cloth.
(Clerk’s Press) Lochnell (pseud.). Saxon Lyrics and Legends after Aldhelm. Cleveland, OH: At the Clerk’s Press, 1911. Copy No. 76 of 97 copies, printed on Fabriano paper. Original boards, paper labels on upper cover and spine, with the bookplate of Thomas Bird Mosher on the front pastedown, and with an letter from the printer, the Rev. Charles C. Bubb, presenting the book to Mosher. The letter with the black embossed letterhead of the “Rev. Charles C. Bubb | Cleveland, Ohio” is hand written: 1839 East 20th St. | 21 June 1911 | Mr. Thomas B. Mosher | Portland, Maine | Dear Sir: | I am sending you under another | cover, a copy of my latest publication, | “Saxon Lyrics and Legends.” If you | have never read the book, perhaps my | reprint might interest you. | Very sincerely yours, | Charles C. Bubb.
Clodd, Edward. The Question: “If a man die, shall he live again?”–A Brief History and Examination of Modern Spiritualism. With a Postscript by Professor H. E. Armstrong. London, Grant Richards, 1917. 8vo, original blue cloth.
Coleridge, Edward P., trans. “The Argonautica” or Apollonius Rhodius. Translated into English Prose from the Text of R. Merkel by… London: George Bell, 1889. 12mo, original blue cloth. With stamp indicating: “From the Library of Andrew Lang Sold by Messrs Sotheby Dec. 5th, 6th, 1912.”
Coleridge, Stephen. Songs to Desideria and Other Poems. London and New York: John Lane, The Bodley Head, 1907. 8vo, gilt-decorated red cloth, with “review copy with John Lane’s compliments” blind-stamped on the title-page.
Collier, John. The Indwelling Splendor. Johnsville, PA: Privately Printed [by the Stone House Press], 1911. 12mo, original grey boards with green label on front cover.
Coolbrith, Ina. Songs from the Golden Gate. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Co., 1895. 8vo. Inscribed by the author: “To Thomas Bird Mosher, Lover of Books, from Ina Coolgrith. Russian Hill, San Francisco, California, 1920.”
Coolidge, Louis A. Ulysses S. Grant. With Portraits. Boston and New York: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1917. Inscribed “To Thomas B. Mosher for whom I have an abiding affection. L. A. Coolidge April 5,’17” Rebound in quarter morocco by George A. Zabriskie.
The Copley Prints. “Spring Catalogue” Boston: Curtis & Cameron, 1899. Original printed wrappers. Includes Reproductions of Notable Paintings publicly & privately owned in America–also of the mural Decorations in the New Library of Congress, the Boston Public Library & other public buildings.
Cornhill Magazine, The. New Series. Vol. XL. July to December 1888. London: Smith, Elder, 1888. 8vo, half leather over cloth.
Couldrey, Oswald. The Mistaken Fury and Other Lapses. Oxford, Blackwell, 1914. 8vo, original pictorial paper boards with quarter cream colored paper spine, in dust jacket.
Courtney, W. L. Rosemary’s Letter Book–The Record of a Year. Second Edition. London: Andrew Melrose, 1909. 8vo, original blue cloth.
Creech, Thomas, trans. The Idylliums of Theocritus with Rapin’s Discourse upon Pastorals. To which is Prefix’d The Life of Theocritus by Basil Kennet. Second Edition. London: Printed for E. Curll…, 1713.
Crothers, Samuel McChord. The Pardoner’s Wallet. Boston and New York: Houghton Mifflin, [1905]. 8vo, original tan cloth.

Dabbs, George H. R., M.D. The Blind Singer. Deacon’s Acting Edition of Modern Plays. London: Charles William Deacon & Co., 1899. 8vo, white publisher’s cloth, gilt on cover.
Dane, Clemence. Legend. New York: The Macmillan Co., 1920. 8vo, reddish-brown publisher’s cloth, gilt on spine.
Davenport, Cyril. The Book—Its History and Development. London: Archibald Constable & Co. Ltd., 1907.
Davidson, John. Fleet Street Eclogues. [First and] Second Series. 2 vols. London: Elkin Mathews & John Lane (Bodley Head), 1893-96. First editions. The Mosher sale catalogue incorrectly titles these the Fleet Street Dialogues.
Davidson, John. Holiday and Other Poems with a Note on Poetry. London: E. Grant Richards, 1906. First Edition. Foolscap 8vo, smooth blue buckram, gilt lettered spine and front cover, t.e.g. Erratum slip inserted before p.1. Quote from this book used by Mosher in Amphora and in the 1906 catalogue.
(De Bury, Richard) Thomas, E. C., ed. The Love of Books — The Philobiblon. London: The De La More Press, 1902.
De La Mare, Walter. Peacock Pie: A Book of Rhymes. London: Constable and Company Ltd., 1913. First edition. 8vo, original blue cloth stamped in gold.
De Vinne, T. L. Correct Composition. New York, 1901. First edition. 12mo, original cloth.
De Vinne, T. L. A Treatise on Title-Pages. New York, 1902. First trade edition. 12mo, original cloth.
Dobell, Bertram, ed. The Poetical Works of James Thomson. Two volumes. London: Reeves & Turner / Bertram Dobell, 1895. With hand-written note affixed to copyright page of Vol. 2: “Thomas B. Mosher | from his Friend | Bertram Dobell | De. 27 / 94”
Dobell, Bertram. Rosemary and Pansies. No place, 1901 (Not for sale.). 8vo, red cloth. Inscribed by the author to his friend, Thos. B. Mosher, Esq. January 24, 1901. In addition to Mosher’s bookplate, there appears the Robert Burns bookplate of Oliver Clement Sheean engraved by Will Simmons. Photo laid in
Dobson, Austin. At the Sign of the Lyre. New York: Henry Holt and Company, 1885.
Douce, Francis. Illustrations of Shakespeare, and of Ancient Manners: with dissertations on the clowns and fools of Shakespeare; on the collection of popular tales entitled Gesta Romanorum; and on the English Morris dance. London: Printed for Longman, Hurst, Rees, and Orme, 1807. 2 vols.; engravings on wood by J. Berryman (incl. frontispiece). Deckle edges, half-bound with plain binder’s paper and cloth, with original stiff plain boards. Bookplates on the front flyleaves: “Ex Libris Mdcccxcvij Thomas B. Mosher” and bookplates of John Towneley of Towneley on the front pastedowns.
Douglas, Lord Alfred. The City of the Soul. London, 1899. First edition. 12mo, original vellum-backed boards, uncut.
Dramatists of the Restoration. With Prefatory Memoirs and Notes. 6 of 14 vols. Edinburgh, 1872-79. 8vo, cloth, paper labels, uncut. 1/150 sets on large paper.
Du Bois, Henri Pène. Four Private Libraries of New York–A Contribution to the History of Bibliophilism in America. Preface by Octave Uzanne. First Series. New York: Duprat & Co., 1892. Limited issue: copy No. 491 of 800 printed on Holland paper.
The Dublin Review, edited by Wilfrid Ward. Quarterly No. 286. New Series. London: Burns & Oates, July 1908. Source text for Mosher’s edition of Francis Thompson’s Shelley–An Essay with Mosher’s editorial marks.
Egerton, George (pseud. Mary Chavelita Dunne). Keynotes. London: Elkin Mathews and John Lane; Boston: Roberts Brothers, 1894. Light green cloth with pictorial design by Aubrey Beardsley on title page and front cover.
Ehrmann, Max. The Wife of Marobius. New York: Mitchell Kennerley, 1911. 8vo, blue cloth.
(Emerson) Carey, Elisabeth Luther. Emerson–Poet and Thinker. New York and London: Putnam’s Sons (The Knickerbocker Press), [1904]. First edition. Illustrated.
(Eragny Press) C’est d’Aucassin et de Nicolete. London, 1903. Listed by Sheean as Aucassin and Nicolete under F. W. Bourdillon who edited the work and saw it through the press.
(Eragny Press) Perrault, Charles. Historie de Peau d’Ane. London, 1902.
(Eragny Press) Villon, François. Les Ballades. London, 1900. Original boards, uncut. Limited edition.
(Essex House Press) The Hymn of Bardaison. Trans. by F. Crawford Burkitt. [London, 1899]. Original boards. Limited to 300 copies.
Everyman: A Morality. With Designs by Ambrose Dudley. London: Chatto & Windus, 1904.
Fabbri, Cora. Lyrics by Cora Fabbri. New York: Harper Bros., 1892. Small 8vo, vi, (1), 162pp. Title printed in black and red. Original red cloth gilt, gilt top, other edges untrimmed, backstrip faded. Contains Thomas B. Mosher’s bookplate and a 4 page letter addressed to him by the author’s sister Ernestine (Ludolf) all about her sister, her poetry, and this book, and asking to include her poetry in The Bibelot. § Second edition, first printed in 1891.
Fairless, Michael (Margaret Fairless Barber). The Roadmender. London: Duckworth & Co., 1902. Original green cloth boards with gilt. First edition.
Field, Michael. The Father’s Tragedy. William Rufus. Loyalty or Love? London,: George Bell & Sons, 1885. 8vo., white cloth covers; ad for Michael Field’s works loosely laid in.
Field, Michael. A Question of Memory—A Play in four Acts. London: Elkin Mathews & John Lane (Bodley Head), 1893.
Field, Michael. Stephania–A Trialogue. London: Elkin Mathews & John Lane (The Bodley Head), 1892. Original printed boards, paper spine label, cover, title-page and tail-piece by Selwyn Image. Bookplate of Thomas B. Mosher and of Herbert Boyce Satcher.
Fields, Mrs. James T. Fields (i.e., Annie Fields). Whittier: Notes on His Life and His Friendships. Black and White Series. New York: Harper and Brothers, 1893.
FitzGerald, Edward. Miscellanies. Golden Treasury Series. London: Macmillan, 1900. 12mo, original blue cloth. With inscription: “T. B. Mosher from J. Loder Nov 1, 1900–with hearty good wishes–.”
(FitzGerald) Edward Fitzgerald ( 1809-1909(Centenary Celebrations * Souvenir. [Ipswich, England: The East Anglian Daily Times], 1909. Mosher is listed as a patron, the lender of the plates used to illustrate the souvenir (taken from his own publication of Edward FitzGerald: An Aftermath), and is given a two page write-up entitled “An American Tribute” in which Mosher boasts of owning FitzGerald’s commonplace book, and his annotated copies of ‘Lucretius’ and ‘Shiller’s Wallenstein.’
Flecker, James Elroy. Forty-Two Poems. London, 1911. Small 4to. First edition. Red cloth.
Fleischer, Charles. American Aspirations. New York: B. W. Huebsch, 1914. Inscribed: “To that rare soul–Thomas B. Mosher–with the love of Charles Fleischer.”
Fleming, William K. Dreams and Realities. London: Erskine Macdonald, 1915.
Free, Richard. Seven Year’s Hard. New York: Dutton, 1905.
Frost, John. Wild Scenes of a Hunter’s Life. Including Cumming’s Adventures Among the Lions and other Wild Animals of Africa, etc. Auburn and Buffalo: Miller, Orton & Mulligan, 1854. This book bears Mosher’s bookplate, but is signed on the end-papers: “Olive C. Littlefield. Saco, Maine” Mosher’s second marriage was to Anna Littlefield of Saco, Maine; therefore, this book most likely came to Mosher’s library through his wife.
(Frye, William Pierce). William Pierce Frye (Late a Senator from Maine) Memorial Addresses Delivered in the Senate and the House of Representatives of the United States. Sixty-Second Congress. Proceedings in the Senate–March 14, 1912 Proceedings in the House–February 9, 1913. Prepared under the Direction of the Joint Committee on Printing. Washington D. C., 1913.
Fullarton, Ralph W. Macleod. Lallan Sangs and German Lyrics. Edinburgh and London: W. Blackwood & Sons, 1894.
Gardner, Edmund G. Desiderio–An Episode in the Renaissance. London: J. M. Dent & Co., 1902. 8vo., decorated green cloth, top edges gilt.
Gaskell, Elizabeth C. The Life of Charlotte Brontë. 2 vols. New York, 1857.
Gerish, W. B. (William Blyth) and Frank E. Smedley. The “Wicked Lady Ferrers”–A Legend of Markygate Cell in Flamstead. An attempt to solve the mystery of “The Lady Highwayman.” Bishop’s Stortford (England): Bishop’s Stortford, 1911. Booklet No. 8 in the Hertfordshire Folk Lore Series. According to the October 1948 Parke-Bernet Galleries auction catalogue of Mosher’s library (lot 220), seventeen of these pamphlets were losted ranging from 1908-1915.
G.H.R.D. “My Verses” No. V [Silsbury Bros, Shanklin] No place, no date. Paper wraps.
Ginisty, Paul, and Davenport, Reuben Briggs, tr. A Prankish Pair [Un Petit Ménage] A Fantasy. Belford American novel series 31. New York: Belford Company, [1890]. 8vo, original blue cloth.
Godgrey, Elizabeth, arranger. A Book of Remembrance Being Lyrical Selections for Every Day in the Year. London, Methuen, [1904]. 12mo, original green cloth.
Goldring, Douglas. Reputations–Essays in Criticism. New York: Thomas Seltzer, 1920. 8vo, original blue cloth.
Goldsmith. The Deserted Village. London: W. Griffin, 1775. 4to., eighth edition. Contemporary full calf titled GOLDSMITH’S POEMS, and bound with The Traveller (1770 reprint of the 1765 first edition), and Retaliation (1774, seventh edition) was published the year of the author’s death and includes his biography as well as some material not included in the first edition.
Gosse, Edmund. The Jacobean Poets. The University Series. New York: Scribner’s, 1894. 8vo, original red cloth.
Gould, George M. Righthandedness and Lefthandedness. With Chapters Treating of the Writing Posture, the Rule of the Road, etc. Philadelphia & London: J. B. Lippincott Company, 1908. A book consulted by Mosher following his debilitating attack of neuritis during the winter of 1909/10, loss of his ability to use his right arm, and need to retrain himself in writing with the left hand.
Gourmont, Remy de. A Night in Luxembourg. With Preface and Appendix by Arthur Ransome. London: Swift and Co., 1912. Blue cloth. With Mosher’s notes.
Gray, David. Poems by… With Memoirs of His Life. Boston: Roberts Brothers, 1865. 8vo, original green cloth.
Gray, John. Silverpoints. London: Elkin Mathews & John Lane (Bodley Head), 1893. First edition. Narrow 8vo, original cloth, uncut. Copy No. 133 of 250 copies.
Griggs, Edward Howard. A Book of Meditations. Fifth Edition. New York: B. W. Huebsch, 1910. 8vo, original red cloth.
Griggs, Edward Howard. The Ethics of Personal Life. A Handbook of Six Lectures. New York: Huebsch, 1906. 8vo, original grey cloth with paper label on front cover. 2 copies. Loosely laid in one copy is a card advertising a course of 8 lectures by Griggs on Shakespeare to be held at the Congress Square Church of Portland, ME, January- March, 1910.
(Grolier Club) Catalogue of exhibition: Mezzotints from Von Siegen to Barnet, 1918.
(Grolier Club) Catalogue of exhibition: Dramatic Folios of The Seventeenth Century, 1903.
(Grolier Club) Catalogue of exhibition: Etchings and Dry-Points by D.Y. Cameron, 1908.
(Grolier Club) Catalogue of exhibition: The Poets Laureate of England, 1901.
(Grolier Club) Catalogue of exhibition: Some of the Latest Artistic Bindings Done at The Club Bindery (includes 8 bindings on Mosher books), 1906.
(Grolier Club) Catalogue of exhibition: First Editions of the Works of Robert Louis Stevenson, 1914.
(Grolier Club) Catalogue of exhibition: Etchings, Dry-Points and Mezzotints by Francis Seymour Haden, 1902.
(Grolier Club) Catalogue of exhibition: Exhibition of French Engravings of the Eighteenth Century, 1905.
(Grolier Club) Catalogue of exhibition: Exhibition Commemorating the Hundredth Anniversary of the Birth of William Makepeace Thackeray, 1912.
(Grolier Club) Catalogue of exhibition: Catalogue of Etchings by Joseph Pennell, 1908.
Guyon, Madame [Jeanne Marie Bouvier de La Motte Guyon]. The Song of Songs of Solomon. With Explanations and Reflections having Reference to the Interior Life. Translated from the French by James W. Metcalf, M.D. Brunswick (Maine): J. Griffin, 1865.

Hale, Anne Gardner. Folly’s Bells–A German Legend. Buffalo, NY: Peter Paul Book Company, 1897. 8vo, original gold decorated grey cloth, illustrated.
Hamilton, Ian. The Ballad of Hadji and Other Poems. With etched frontispiece by William Strang, and head and tail pieces by J. B. Clark. London: Elkin Mathews & John Lane (Bodley Head), 1892. This followed by a second title page: Hamilton, Ian. The Balled of Hadji and Other Poems. London: Keegan Paul, Trench Co [Chiswick Press], 1887. Limited to 550 copies.
Hamilton, Walter. The Æsthetic Movement in England. London: Reeves & Turner, 1883. 8vo, original green cloth. Text copy used for extensive quote in Mosher’s edition of Oscar Wilde’s Lecture on the English Renaissance (1905).
Hardy, Thomas. The Dynasts—A Drama of the Napoleonic Wars, In Three Parts, Nineteen Acts, & One Hundred and Thirty Scenes. (New York and London: The Macmillan Company, 1904-1908).
Harte, Bret. The Lost Galleon and Other Tales. San Francisco: Towne & Bacon, Printers, 1867. First edition of the author’s first book. 12mo, original green cloth. Contains the first appearance of the poem “The Pliocene Skull.” Extensive notes by Mosher while aboard father’s ship at age sixteen.
Harte, Walter Blackburn. Meditations in Motley. A bundle of Papers Imbued with the Sobriety of Midnight. Boston: Arena Publishing, 1894. 12mo, original green cloth.
Hawker, Rev. R. S. The Prose Works of… Edinburgh and London: William Blackwood, 1893. 8vo, original red cloth.
(Heine) Karpeles, Gustav, ed. Henrich Heine’s Memoirs from His Works, Letters, and Conversations. English translation by Gilbert Cannan. 2 vols. London: Heinemann, 1910.
Henderson, Rev. George. Lady Nairne and Her Songs. Paisley and London: Alexander Gardner, publisher to Her Majesty The Queen. [1900].
Henley, W. E. and R. L. Stevenson. Three Plays by… New York: Scribner’s, 1892. 8vo, original paper backed boards.
Herbert, George. The Temple: Sacred Poems and Private Ejaculations. Being a Facsimile Reprint of the First Edition. NY: Baker and Taylor Co., n.d. [1885].
Heredia, José María de. The Trophies: Sonnets. Boston: Small, Maynard & Company, 1900. Limited to 750 copies on English hand-made paper. Ornamental borders and initials designed by Bertram Grosvenor Goodhue.
Herrick, Robert. The Man Who Wins. The Ivory Series. New York: Scribner’s, 1897. 12mo, original decorated cloth.
Herrick, Robert. Literary Love-Letters and Other Stories. The Ivory Series. New York: Scribner’s, 1897. 12mo, original decorated cloth.
Hewlett, Maurice. Earthwork out of Tuscany: Being Impressions and Translations (London: J. M. Dent & Co., 1895). Original cloth. This copy contains not only Mosher’s notes, but also the record of how he acquired it with the help of Mitchell Kennerley.
Hill, Sylvia Margaret. Rameau’s Nephew: A Translation from Diderot’s Autographic Text. London: Longmans, Green & Co., 1897. Includes some text markings by Mosher.
Hewlett, Maurice. The Forest Lovers–A Romance. London and New York: Macmillan and Co., 1898. 8vo., in original decorated cloth binding.
Hewlett, Maurice. A Masque of Dead Florentines with illustrations by J. D. Batten (London: J. M. Dent & Co., 1895). Original pictorial cloth. This copy was the source for Mosher’s own imprint of the title.
Hill, George Birkbeck. Footsteps of Dr. Johnson (Scotland). With illustrations by Lancelot Speed. London: Sampson Low, Marston, Searle & Rivington (Limited), 1890. 4to, First edition, copy No. 49 of 160 copies (50 for America) signed by the author. Bound in original Japan vellum wrappers, with a handmade protective paper wrapper over all. The illustrations by Lancelot Speed are all signed. Frontispiece with tissue overlay. Appendices. Index. Fold-out color map. Facsimile of a letter from Dr. Johnson tipped in.
Hind, C. Lewis. The Diary of a Looker-On. London: Eveleigh Nash, 1908. 8vo, original blue cloth.
Hinton, James. The Law-breaker and The Coming of the Law. Edited by Margaret Hinton. London: Kegan Paul, Trench, 1884. 8vo, original brown cloth.
Hobbes, John Oliver. The Artist’s Life. New York: Mitchell Kennerley, 1907. 8vo, original blue cloth with paper label on spine.
Hodell. The Old Yellow Book, Source of Browning’s The Ring and the Book. Everyman’s Library. London: Dent, no date. 12mo, original green cloth.
Holmes, Oliver Wendell. The Autocrat of the Breakfast Table. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1890. Vol. 1 only.
Hood, Thomas. The Pleas of the Midsummer Fairies, Hero and Leander, Lycus the Centaur, and Other Poems. London: Printed for Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown & Green, 1827.
Hope, Laurence. The Garden of Kama, and Other Love Lyrics from India. Arranged in Verse by Laurence Hope. London: William Heinemann, 1902.
Horne, Herbert P. Diversi Colores. London: Published by the author at the Chiswick Press, 1891. 12mo, original grey boards. Two copies.
Houssaye, Henry. Cleopatra: a study. Translated from the French by A. F. D. Authorized edition. New York: Duprat & Co., 1890.
Hudson, W. H. (William Henry) Dead Man’s Plack and Old Thorn. New York: E. P. Dutton & Company, 1920. 8vo., First American edition.
Huxley, Henrietta A. Poems of Henrietta A. Huxley: with three of Thomas Henry Huxley. London: Duckworth, 1913.
Image, Selwyn. Poems & Carols. London, 1894. First edition. Three copies.
Ireland, Alexander. The Book-Lover’s Enchiridion. London [& New York: Benjamin & Bell], 1884. 12mo. This was a source book for several quotes Mosher used in his 1895, 1898, and the 1899, 1900 and 1904 catalogues, and which eventually found their way into the 1912 Amphora. Mosher’s notes inside the volume even indicate which catalogue should receive which quote.
Jackson, Holbrook. The Eighteen Nineties. Illustrated. London: Grant Richards, 1913. 8vo, original cloth, gilt top, uncut. Choice copy of the first edition. Tipped in is the publisher’s presentation slip to Mosher.
Jackson, Samuel Macauley. The Source of “Jerusalem the Golden” Together with Other Pieces Attributed to Bernard of Cluny. In English Translation by Henry Preble. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 1910. 8vo, original blue cloth.
Jennings, Louis J. Field Paths and Green Lanes. Being Country Walks, Chiefly in Surrey and Sussex. New York: Appleton, 1878. 8vo, original green cloth.
Jerrold, Walter. The Autolycus of the Bookstalls. London, J. M. Dent & Co., 1902.
Jones, Hon. Samuel M. The New Right–A Plea for Fair Play Through a More Just Social Order. By Hon. Samuel M. Jones, Mayor of Toledo, Ohio. New York: Eastern Book Concern, 1899. 8vo, original pictorial cloth.
Jones, Thomas S., Jr. The Rose-Jar. Clinton, NY: Browning, 1909. Grey boards with label. Mosher’s editorialized copy for the printer.
Juvenal. The Satires of Decimus Junius Jevenalis. 2 vols. Philadelphia: Tho. Lowry Plowman for J. Morgan, Bookseller, 1803. 12mo. First American edition.
(Kelmscott Press) Morris, William. Child Christopher and Goldilind the Fair. [Hammersmith, 1895]. 16mo, 2 vols., 1/600 copies. Woodcut title page and border, original linen-backed boards, uncut. Copy used by Mosher to produce his own edition of Child Christopher with Mosher’s editorial marks.
Kernahan, Coulson. Sorrow and Song. London, Ward, Lock & Bowden, 1894. 8vo, original green cloth.
Kipling, Rudyard. Ballads and Barrack-Room Ballads. New York and London: Macmillan and Co., 1892. First American edition. 8vo, original pictorial gilt-stamped blue cloth. Varies from collations given by Stewart (109) and Livingston (91) in that the endpapers are white rather than dark brown and the blank leaves preceding the fore-title and following the 4 pp. of ads at the end are not present.
Kipling, Rudyard. Life’s Handicap Being Stories of Mine Own People. London, Macmillan, 1891. 8vo, original decorated cloth.
Kipling, Rudyard. Many Inventions. New York: D. Appleton and Company, 1893. 8vo, original pictorial cloth.
Kobbe, Gustav. The Pianolist — A Guide for Pianola Players. New York: Moffat, Yard & Company, 1907. 8vo, original green cloth.
Lamb, Charles. Prince Dorus. (facsimile of 1811 edition). Introduction by Andrew W. Tuer. London: Leadenhall Press; New York: Scribner & Welford, 1891. Nine colored illustrations in facsimile.
Landor, Walter Savage. Letters and Other Unpublished Writings. Edited by Stephen Wheeler. London: R. Bentley, 1897. Small 8vo., green cloth, 32-page bibliography at the back.
Landor, Walter Savage. The Pentameron and Other Imaginary Conversations. Edited, with a Preface by Havelock Ellis. The Camelot Series. London and New York: Walter Scott, no date. 8vo, original blue cloth with paper label on spine.
Lang, Andrew. Grass of Parnassus. First and Last Rhymes. London & NY: Longmans, Green & Co., 1892. 8vo., original blue cloth.
Lang, Andrew. Letters to Dead Authors. Cameo Edition. New York: Scribner’s, 1893. 12mo, original green cloth.
Lawrence, D. H. The Trespasser. London: Duckworth & Co., 1912. Second Impression. Catalogue of Duckworth & Co. publications at rear.
Le Gallienne, Richard. The House of Joy that is Gone… London: “Vanity Fair.” 33, Strand, n.d. First edition, No. 48 of an unidentified limited edition. 4to. 19 pp. Cream printed flexible cloth wrappers.
Le Gallienne, Richard. My Ladies’ Sonnets. London: Privately Printed, 1887.
Lee, Vernon. The Countess of Albany. With Portraits. London and New York: John Lane, 1910. 8vo, original green cloth.
Leith, W. Compton [O. M. Dalton]. Domus Doloris. New York: John Lane, 1919. 8vo, quarter cloth over brown boards.
Lemon, Don. Everybody’s Book of Short Poems. Selected from Out-of-the-Way Sources. London: Madgwick, Houlston & Co., Ltd., ca. [1890].
Lester, Katherine Morris. Clay Work–A Handbook for Teachers. Peoria, IL: The Manual Arts Press, [1908]. 8vo., tan cloth.
Lindsay, Nicholas Vachel. General William Booth Enters into Heaven and Other Poems. New York: Mitchell Kennerley, 1913. First edition of author’s first book.
Locke, John. Essay Concerning Human Understanding 2 vols. 10th edition. London, 1731. Bound in full Cambridge style calf.
Lossing. Benson John. The Pictorial Field-Book of the Revolution. 2 vols. New York, 1851.
Lowell, Amy Six French Poets: Studies in Contemporary Literature. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1915 Essays on Emile Verhaeren, Albert Samain, Remy de Gourmont, Henri de Tegnier, Frances Jammes and Paul Fort. Mosher had a total of six books written or compiled by Amy Lowell in his home library.
Lucas, Joseph. Lures of Life. London: T. Fisher Unwin, [1918]. 8vo, original quarter blue cloth over blue boards.
Lucas, St. John. New Poems. London: Constable, 1908. 8vo, original green cloth. Publisher’s presentation copy with blind-stamp on title-page.
Lucian. Lucian’s Dialogues… trans by Howard Williams. Bohn’s Classical Library. London: George Bell, 1888. 8vo, original green cloth.
Lyte, Henry Francis. Miscellaneous Poems. New York, Anson D. F. Randolph, no date. 12mo, original brown cloth.
McCurdy, Edward. Roses of Paestum. London: George Allen, 1900. 12mo, green cloth. Two copies, one being Mosher’s editorialized copy for the printer.
McGiffert, Gertrude Huntington. A Florentine Cycle: And Other Poems. New York G.P. Putnam’s Sons 1915. First Edition. Inscribed to Mosher.
Machen, Arthur. The Great God Pan and the Inmost Light. London & Boston: John Lane and Roberts Brothers, 1895. Stated second edtion (first in 1894).
Machen, Arthur. Hieroglyphics. London: Grant Richards, 1902. First edition.
Mackail, John W. The Progress of Poesy. Oxford, 1906. First edition. Wrappers. Presentation copy from the author, inscribed on half-title; A.L.s. by author laid in along with newspaper clipping.
Mackail, John W. William Morris and His Circle. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1907. Wrappers.
Mackie, Gascoigne. Short Poems. Oxford: Blackwell [and] London: Simpkin, Marshall, 1907. 12mo, original boards with paper label on spine.
Mackmurdo, A.H., ed. The Century Guild Hobby Horse. No. 1. [all published] Sunnyside, Orpington, Kent: G. Allen, April 1884. Original pictorial wraps. Rare pre-publication trial issue appearing two years before the periodical resumed publication. Woodcut head and tail pieces by Mackmurdo and Image, front cover and title-page wood engraved by Selwyn Image, lithographed frontispiece by an anonymous member of the Guild, and essays and literary contributions by A. H. Mackmurdo, Selwyn Image, Florence Marshall, and others noted as MCG (Member of the Century Guild).
Mackmurdo & Horne, eds. The Century Guild Hobby Horse. Edited by A. H. Mackmurdo and H. P. Horne. Vols. I-VII; also Nos. I-III of the New Series (published by the Bodley Head) bound in one volume with original wrappers bound in. London, 1886-94. Together 8 volumes uniformly bound in boards with vellum backs. Includes the issue for April 1887. Among the literary contributors are Oscar Wilde, John A. Symons, Lionel Johnson, Christina Rossetti, and others. The illustrations include examples by Edward Burne-Jones, Gabriel Rossetti, William Strang, and other artists. Bishop collection includes vols 2-4, 6-7 and a copy of the April 1887 issue; Dartmouth owns vols. 1&5.
Maeterlinck, Maurice. Death. Translated by Alexander Teixeira de Mattos. Second Edition. London: Methuen, [1911]. 12mo, original light brown cloth with gold decoration.
(Maeterlinck) Courtney, W. L. The Development of Maurice Maeterlinck and Other Sketches of Foreign Writers. London: Grant Richards, 1904. 12mo, original cloth backed boards.
Markham, Edwin. The Man with the Hoe and Other Poems. NY: Doubleday & McClure Company, 1899.
Marvin, Frederic Rowland. Fireside Papers. Boston: Sherman, French & Company, 1915. Inscribed to Mosher.
Marvin, Frederic Rowland. Flowers of Song from Many Lands–Being Short Poems and Detached Verses Gathered from Various Languages and Rendered into English (Troy, New York: Pafraets Book Company, 1902). Printed by D. B. Updike at The Merrymount Press in Boston. Although 1,000 copies were printed, only sixty-three (this is copy #52) “contain a portrait of the Author on parchment…” The book also contains the original prospectus and a letter from the author to Thomas B. Mosher, dated 16 April 1903.
Masson, John. Lucretius–Epicurean and Poet. London, John Murry, 1907 & 1909. Two volumes. 8vo, Original red cloth with gilt. Inserted clippings and marking by Mosher, along with the original prospectus. Quoted in the prefatory remarks by Mosher in the January 1911 issue of The Bibelot.
Maupassant, Guy de. The Odd Number; Thirteen Tales. Translated by Jonathan Sturges. Introduction by Henry James. New York: Harper & brothers, 1889.
Mayor, Joseph Bickersteth. Guide to the Choice of Classical Books. Second edition. London: George Bell and Sons [with D.. Nutt stamped on front cover], 1879; and
Mayor, Joseph Bickersteth. Guide to the Choice of Classical Books–New Supplement. London: David Nutt, 1896. 8vos, flexible brown and green cloth bindings.
Meleager. Fifty Poems of Meleager. Translated by Walter Headlam. London: Macmillan and Co., 1890.
Mew, Egan. A London Comedy and Other Vanities. London: George Redway, 1897. 8vo, original white cloth, numbered edition. With seven reproductions of pictures by Maurice Greiffenhagen.
Meynell, Wilfred, ed. The Child Set in the Midst By Modern Poets. With a facsimile of the MS. of “The Toys,” by Coventry Patmore. London: The Leadenhall Press, and New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, n.d. [ca. 1892. Black cloth with yapp edges, paper label, small gilt leaf on front cover. Top edges gilt.
Michelet, M. J. Love (“L’Amour.”) Translated from the Fourth Paris edition by J. W. Palmer. New York: Rudd & Carleton, 1859. 8vo, original green cloth.
Milburn, Lucy McDowell. Lost Letters from Lesbos. Chicago: R.R. Donnelley, 1902. Title page missing. Cloth over yellow paper boards. Notes on promotional flyer loosely laid in.
Minot, Elizabeth (pseud. of Bertha Peirce). The Rose of Old Seville. A Play and Poems. Boston: Richard G. Badger-The Gorham Press, 1904. 8vo, original illustrated dark blue cloth. Inscribed by the author to Mosher. Also A.L.s by the author to Mosher
Monkhouse, Allan Noble. Books and Plays. London: Elkin Mathews and John Lane (Bodley Head), 1894. 1/400 copies with publisher’s 16 page catalogue at the rear. The First Edition of the author’s first book. With Housman design on the title page.
Moore, George. Confessions of a Young Man. London: Swan Sonnenschein, 1889. 8vo, original pictorial cloth.
Moore, George. A Drama in Muslin–A Realistic Novel. Vizetelly’s One-Volume Novels. Eighth Edition. London: Vizetelly, 1890. 8vo, original blue cloth.
Morley, Christopher. Songs for a Little House. New York: George H. Doran Company, [1917].
Morris, William. An Address Delivered by W. Morris… Feb. 21, 1894. [London, 1894]. 8vo.
Morris, William. Art and Beauty of the Earth. [London, 1899]. 8vo.
Morris, William. The Collected Works of William Morris. With Introductions by His Daughter May Morris. 24 vols. London: Longmans Green and Company, 1910-15. Copy No. 166 or 1,050 numbered copies; all edges uncut. Original holland-backed (linen) blue boards with printed paper labels on spines. Illustrated with plates, portraits, maps and facsimiles.
Morris, William. The Early Romances of William Morris in Prose and Verse. Everyman’s Library. London: Dent, no date [1907]. 12mo, original blue cloth.
(Mosher Publication) Bridges, Robert. The Growth of Love. Portland, 1894. Edited throughout by Mosher for his 1913 edition of the same title.
(Mosher Publication) Jones, Thomas S. The Voice in the Silence. Portland, 1917. Edited throughout for the 1919 edition. Most of the notes are in the author’s hand and a typed “Four Sonnets” section is tipped in at the end of the book.
(Mosher Publication) Reese, Lizette Woodworth. A Handful of Lavender. Portland, 1915. Mosher’s edited copy with a sample 1919 title page loosely laid in.
(Mosher Publication) Rossetti, Dante Gabriel. The Defence of Guenevere. Portland, 1896. Copy # 16 of 100 printed on Japan vellum.
(Mosher Publication) Schwob, M. Mimes. Done into English by A. Lenalie. Portrait. Portland, 1901. 12mo, original vellum covered boards, uncut, unopened, in a board case. 1 of 6 copies on vellum, signed by Mosher.
(Mosher Publication) Tynan, Katherine. A Little Book for Mary Gill’s Friends. Portland, 1907. 12mo, bound copy of Sept. 1907 offset printing of The Bibelot with Mosher’s bookplate; decorated Japan vellum wraps over flexible boards.
Mountjoy, Desmond. A Creel of Peat–Stray Papers. London: The Adelphi Press, 1910. 8vo, original paper wraps. Inscribed with the compliments of Miss Margaret Storrs Turner. Laid in is a prospectus for the same book, only the press listed is London’s The Saint Catherine Press.
Musset, Paul de. He and She. Translated by Ernest Tritan and G. F. Monkshood. Shilling Net Edition. London: Greening, 1910. 8vo, original embossed and gilt-stamped purple cloth.

Neihardt, John G. Man-Song. New York: Mitvchell Kennerley, 1909.
Neal, John. Wandering Recollections of a Somewhat Busy Life. An Autobiography. Boston: Roberts Brothers, 1869.
Nesbit, E. Ballads and Verses of the Spiritual Life. London, Elkin Mathews, 1911. 8vo, original green cloth.
Nicoll, W. Robertson. A Bookman’s Letters. Fourth edition. London: Hodder and Stoughton, 1913.
Noble, James Ashcroft. Impressions & Memories. London: Dent; and New York: Putnam’s Sons, 1895. 8vo, original green cloth.
Noble, James Ashcroft. The Sonnet in England and Other Essays. London: Elkin Mathews & John Lane (Bodley Head), 1893. Source text for Mosher’s use in The Germ published by him in 1898.
Noguchi, Yone. From the Eastern Sea. Tokyo: Fuzanbo, Urajinbo-Cho, Kanda, 1903. 8vo, pictorial wrappers.
O’Neill, Moira. More Songs of The Glens of Antrim. Edinburgh and London: Blackwood, 1921. 8vo, original light green cloth.
Oswald, Eugene. The Legend of Fair Helen as Told by Homer, Goethe, and Others. London: John Murray, 1905.
(pamphlets, bound) TBM’s copy of his father’s bound pamphlets: Edward Everett‘s A Lecture on the Working Men‘s Party, First Delivered October Sixth, Before the Charlestown Lyceum (Boston: Gray and Brown, 1830), Francis Wayland‘s A Discourse on the Philosophy of Analogy Delivered before the PHI BETA KAPPA Society of Rhode Island, September 7, 1821 (Boston: Hilliard, Gray, Little and Wilkins, 1831), “Mr. Hayne‘s Speech of January 21, 1830” (missing title page to this noted oratorical masterpiece in debate with Daniel Webster on the constitutional right of succession), the first issue of The Monthly American Journal of Geology and natural Science (Philadelphia, July 1831), Charles Coffin’s History of the Battle of Breed’s Hill, by Major-General William Heath, Henry Lee James Wilkinson and Henry Dearborn (Saco, ME: Printed by William J. Condon, 1831), and a copy of Benjamin Whitman’s The Heroes of the North, or The Battles of Lake Erie, and Champlain. Two Poems (Boston: Barber Badger, 1816) with two plates of “naval action” showing ships battling on the waters. A note in pencil by Thomas Bird Mosher appears on the front endpaper stating that this book comes “with bookplate stamped with stencil of my father (1842).” On the next endpaper there is a stencil marking, in gold, containing the name B. Mosher, 1842, the book ownership mark of the sea captain Benjamin Mosher, the publisher’s father.
Parsons, Mr. [Thomas W.] Circum Praecordia. Boston: Printed and published by Joseph George Cupples, 1892. Purple cloth, gilt top. Mosher’s editorialized copy for the printer.
Parsons, Thomas William. The Shadow of the Obelisk and Other Poems. London: Hatchards, 1872. Original decorated cloth binding, formerly from the library of Thomas Hutchinson with his lengthy note written and signed on the front pastedown, and inscribed by Parsons “to Augusta Barnard / in Paris / May-Day – 1872 / T.W.P.” Also present is the front of an envelop address to Thomas Hutchinson by Augusta Barnard. Thomas Hurchinson’s lengthy note indicates that Richard Hovey wrote him that Mrs. Augusta Barnard is Parsons’ sister-in-law who edited Parson’s translation of Dante. A review of Parson’s works is pasted onto the back pastedown.
Pater, Walter. Essays from the “Guardian.” Portland, ME: Thomas B. Mosher, 1897.
Pater, Walter. Gaston de Latour–An Unfinished Romance. New York: Macmillan, 1901. Red cloth. Mosher’s copy for the printer’s use.
Pater, Walter. The Renaissance—Studies in Art and Poetry. Third Edition, Revised and Enlarged. London and New York: Macmillan and Co., 1888. This copy with Mosher’s handwritten notes.
Pater, Walter. Studies in the History of the Renaissance. London: Macmillan and Co., 1873. First edition. Two copies.
Patmore, Coventry. The Unknown Eros. London: George Bell and Sons, 1890. Third edition with inserted, printed note indicating “nearly half of the present volume has been added since the Poem first appeared in 1877.”
Pawlowska, Yoï [Mrs. E. C. Buckley]. A Year of Strangers. London: Duckworth, 1911. 8vo, original green cloth.
Payson, Edward S., translator. La Akrobato de Nia Sinjorino. Milcentjara Legendo. No place, no date [around 1919]. Original tan stiff wraps. Contains a letter, 1 page, July 23, 1919, from the translator to Mr. Mosher, thanking Mosher for his permission to translate Mosher’s foreword. Also include the original Mosher foreword taken from the Little Masterpieces Series.
Peabody, Andrew P., trans. Cicero de Senectute (On Old Age). Translated with an Introduction and Notes by… Boston: Little, Brown, 1884. 8vo, original brown cloth.
Peabody, Andrew P., trans. Cicero’s Tusculan Disputations. Boston: Little, Brown, and Company, 1886.
Peabody, Josephine Preston. The Singing Man, a Book of Songs and Shadows. Boston & New York: Houghton Mifflin (The Riverside Press), 1911.
Peacock, Thomas Love. Songs from the Novels of… London: Johnson, no date. Small book, original pictorial purple cloth. Printed at the Ballantyne Press.
(Pear Tree Press) Bottomley, Gordon. The Riding to Lithend. [Petersfield], 1909. First edition. With illustrations in a different state and with title-page colored by hand. This is the deluxe edition, 1 of 20 copies with the title page in blue and gold and the added woodcut, “The Witches.” Manuscript note from Bottomley to Mosher loosely laid in.
Pennell, Elizabeth Robins, ed. The Feast of Autolycus. London: John Lane; New York: The Merriam Co., 1896. First edition, copy with Mosher’s notations.
Peters, William Theodore. Posies Out of Rings. London: John Lane-The Bodley Head; New York, George H. Richmand & Co., 1896. Small book, original pink cloth. Inscribed copy from M.H., and also extra-illustrated throughout by the same “MH” and includes a ribbon-tied lock of her hair. [Marie H. Hoke of Mobile, Alabama].
Phelps, Ruth Shepard. Skies Italian–A Little Breviary for Travelers in Italy. London: Methuen, 1910. Two copies; Bishop copy, 8vo. In leather with gilt on front cover and spine, originally had a letter from the author inserted, but no longer present.
Phillpotts, Eden. The Folk Afield. London: Methuen & Co, 1905. 8vo, red cloth.
Phillpotts, Eden. A Shadow Passes. New York: Macmillan, 1919. 8vo, original boards with quarter paper spine.
Pichon, Baron Jérôme. The Life of Charles Henry Count Hoym–Embassador from Saxony-Poland to France and Eminent French Bibliophile, 1694-1730. NY: The Grolier Club, 1899. Royal 8vo, silk cloth, morocco back and corners, uncut. One of 203 copies.
Poe, Edgar Allan. Poems of Edgar Allan Poe, with Memoir. New York: W. J. Widdleton, 1881. 8vo, decorated cloth.
Powell, G. H. Animal Episodes and Studies in Sensation. London: George Redway, 1896. 8vo, original tan cloth.
Pratt, Anna M. Little Rhymes for Little People. Cleveland and New York: Paul Lemperly, F. A. Hilliard and Frank E. Hopkins (printed by the De Vinne Press), 1896. 8vo. Red cloth. Copy No. 22 of 220 copies.
The Quest. Birmingham, England: Messrs. Cornish Brothers (printed at the Press of the Birmingham Guild of Handicraft), March & July 1895 issues.

Ramsay, Dean. Reminiscences of Scottish Life and Character. Toronto: Musson, no date. Foulis Press title but has Musson, Toronto title page tipped in.
Rees, Rev. R. Wilkins. “Edward Fitzgerald.” No place, no date. Offprint from the London Quarterly Review for April 1904, limited to 100 copies in wraps, signed by Rees on the title page, and inscribed by the author to Thomas B. Mosher inside the front wrap. The inscription reads: “Thomas B. Mosher, with the writer’s kind regards. [flourish]” and then is signed somewhat opposite on the title page “R. Wilkins Rees. [flourish]”
Reese, Lizette Woodworth. A Quiet Road. Boston and New York: Houghton, Mifflin & Company, 1896. First edition. 12mo, original cloth.
Reese, Lizette Woodworth. Spicewood. Baltimore, 1920. 12mo, bound in original boards and slipcase. Inscribed to Mosher along with an ANS on the author’s stationary, both dated December 10, 1920. The ANS reads: “My dear Mr. Mosher, I send the little book – ‘Spicewood’ and I hope that you will find two or three things that you will like very much. Very cordially yours, Lizette Woodworth Reese.”
Renton, William. Songs of… London: T. Fisher Unwin, 1893. 8vo, green cloth.
Richter, Jean Paul Friedrich. Titan A Romance. Translated by Charles T. Brooks. 2 vols. New York: United States Book Company, [1862]. 8vo, brown decorative cloth.
Riley, James Whitcomb. Songs O’ Cheer. With Pictures by Will Vawter. Indianapolis, [1905]. Dedication copy of the first edition. Later three-quarter green morocco binding signed GAZ, i.e., George A. Zabrinski. Inscribed by Riley to Bliss Carman, the book’s dedicatee: “Always with grateful affection -James Whitcomb Riley. Nov. 12: 1905” and then re-inscribed by Bliss Carman to Thomas Bird Mosher: “To T. B. Mosher in remembrance of our friendship Bliss Carman [no date].”
Roberts, Morley. Songs of Energy. London: Lawrence and Bullen [Aberdeen University Press], 1891. First edition. Cloth.
Robertson-Hicks, Maude. Flowers from Oversea and other Verse. Rugby (Warwickshire) England: George E. Over, 1893. Front leaf: “Of this Edition fifty Copies only are printed for sale.” Colophon: “Rugby: Printed by George E. Over, The Rugby Press.
Rodenbach, Georges. Bruges-La-Morte A Romance. Translated from the French with a Critical Introduction, by Thomas Duncan. London: Swan Sonnenschein, 1903. 8vo, original red cloth, illustrated.
(Rogers, Bruce) Bernard, Auguste. Geofroy Tory, Painter and Engraver : First Royal Printer : Reformer of Orthography and Typography under François I. An Account of His Life and Works… Translated by George B. Ives. {Boston]: Riverside Press, 1909. Imp. 8vo, illustrated, original boards, uncut, copy No. 80 of 370 copies.
(Rogers, Bruce) Coykendall, Fred, compiler. Arthur Rackham: A List of Books Illustrated by Him. With an Introductory Note by Martin Birnbaum. New York: Privately Printed [Printed by William Edwin Rudge], 1922. Limited edition of 175 copies for presentation purposes only. An inscribed copy of this book was sent to Mosher for his Bruce Rogers collection, with an ALS by the author to Mosher dated March 9, 1923: “I have your letter of March 8 and take pleasure in sending you a copy of the little book on Rackham. I hope you will think it worthy of addition to your Bruce Rogers collection. The books were printed for presentation purposes only, though Mr. Rudge kept some copies which he has sold to interested people. I have an extensive collection of Bruce Rogers’ books including all of the books done by him for the Riverside Press. I regard them as equal to the work of any of the modern designers of books and some of them are quite equal to the work of William Morris or Cobden-Sanderson. I am glad to know that you think well of Rogers’ work, and am pleased at the opportunity of adding an item which may take a place alongside of the many other items chosen by your very discriminating good taste.”
(Rogers, Bruce) Lowell, James Russell. Democracy. [Cambridge], 1902. 12mo, original binding, limited edition (copy #164) of 500 copies designed by Bruce Rogers.
(Rogers, Bruce) Rubáiyát of Omar Khayyám… Rendered into English Verse by Edward Fitzgerald. Edited by William A. Brown. [Boston], 1900. 8vo, original cloth-backed boards, uncut. Copy No. 21 of 300 copies, designed by Bruce Rogers.
Rogers, Rev. Charles, ed. Life and Songs of the Baroness Nairne. With a Memoir and Poems of Caroline Oliphant the Younger. London: Charles Griffin, 1869. 8vo, original gilt decorated blue cloth.
Roget, John Lewis. A History of the ‘Old Water-Colour’ Society Now the Royal Society of Painters in Water Colours. With biographical notices of its older and of all deceased members and associates. 2 vols. London and New York: Longmans, Green & Co., 1891. 8vo., maroon cloth, t.e.g.
Rossetti, Dante G. Poems. London: F.S. Ellis, 1870. First edition. Original green decorated cloth, uncut. Pasted in is a 1901 catalog entry from Edwin A Denham, 20 West 33rd St., New York offering a copy of this book (perhaps this copy). Also inserted is a June 14, 1948 invoice to Cecil Lang from The Bodley Book Shop, 104 Fifth Ave. for two Rossetti books, including this copy which was sold the previous month at the Parke-Bernet Galleries sale of Mosher’s library in May 1948.
Rossetti, Dante G. Poems. With Illustrations from his own designs. 2 vols. Edited by Elizabeth L. Cary. New York & London: G. P. Putnam’s Sons-The Knickerbocker Press, [1903]. 8vo, cloth, illustrated.
Rossetti, Dante G. Poetical Works. Edited with Preface by W. M. Rossetti. A new edition in one volume. London: Ellis & Elvey, 1891. Royal 8vo, original paper-backed boards, uncut. Limited edition on large paper; portrait in two states.
(Rossetti) Wood, Esther. Dante Rossetti and the Pre-Raphaelite Movement. London: Sampson Low, Marston and Company, 1894. 8vo, original vellum spine over blue cloth. Extra plate added from Mosher’s Old World edition of La Vita Nuova.
Rossetti, William Michael. Dante and His Circle With the Italian Poets Preceding Him… A new edition with preface by William M. Rossetti. London: Ellis and Elvey, 1892. 8vo, original paper-backed boards, uncut. Limited edition (copy #1 of 35) on large paper.
Rothenstein, William, Twenty-Four Portraits. With Critical appreciations by various hands (New York: Harcourt, Brace and Company, [1920]). This is one of 800 for sale in America, with another 1200 which were for sale in Great Britain.
(Rothenstein) Powell, F. York, et.al. Oxford Characters. London, 1896. Folio, original cloth, gilt top. One of 50 copies printed for America. With 24 lithographs by Rothenstein. Portrait of Pater used by Mosher in his edition of Pater’s Essays from the ‘Guardian” (1897).
(Roycroft Press) Hubbard, Elbert. A Message to Garcia. East Aurora, NY: The Roycrofters, [1917]. Small booklet in decorated wraps.
(Roycroft Press) Jordan, Marcia Bradbury. A Flush of June. Aurora, NY, 1898.
(Samurai Press) Gibson, Wilifrid Wilson. The Web of Life. [Cranleigh, 1908]. First edition. Cloth-backed boards, uncut, one of 300 copies.
Sauter, Edwin. The Faithless Favorite–A Mixed Tragedy. Saint Louis: Published by the author, 1905. Numbered first edition. 12mo, green cloth with paper label.
(Schreiner. Olive) Iron, Ralph (pseud). The Story of an African Farm. New edition. London: Chapman and Hall, 1887. Green cloth. Portions of this book were used in Mosher’s The Bibelot.
Scollard, Clinton. Lyrics From a Library. Clinton, New York: George William Browning, (1913). First Edition. 8vo. 48 pages, followed by 14 blank pages, decorated at edges. Gray boards, paper label on front cover and spine. Laid-in is a pamphlet listing other Scollard books for sale. Presentation copy: “To Thomas B. Mosher with the best wishes of Clinton Scollard. November 1913” with Mosher’s bookplate on front paste-down.
Scollard, Clinton and Thomas S. Jones, Jr. From the Heart of the Hills. Clifton, NY: Browning, 1910. Greeen printed wrappers.
Scott, William Bell. A Poet’s Harvest Home: Being One Hundred Short Poems. With an Aftermath of Twenty Short Poems. London: Elkin Mathews & John Lane (Bodley Head), 1893. Illustration at end of book used in 1912 catalogue. This book also carries the bookplate of William E. Fredeman. See the story of its acquisition.
Senancour, Etiénne Pivert de. Obermann. With a Biographical and Critical Introduction by Arthur Edward Waite. London: Philip Wellby, 1903.
Sharp, Elizabeth A. William Sharp (Fiona Macleod), a Memoir compiled by his Wife, Elizabeth A Sharp. New York: Duffield and Company, 1910. 8vo, inscribed: “To the Friend of ‘Fiona Macleod’, Mr. Thomas B. Mosher from Mrs. William Sharp. Oct. 17th 1910.”
Shorthouse, Joseph H. John Inglesant. 3 vols. London: Macmillan and Co., 1902. 8vo, portrait, cloth, uncut, one of 510 copies. With the R. Le Gallienne bookplate. Source text for Mosher’s selections from John Inglesant in The Bibelot.
Shorthouse, Joseph H. The Little Schoolmaster Mark–A Spiritual Romance. New York: Macmillan and Co., 1883. Disbound with some editorial marks by Mosher. This was the source text for Mosher’s selections in The Bibelot.
Sidney, Sir Philip. Astrophel & Stella… Edited from the Folio of MDXCVIII by Alfred Pollard. London, 1888. Small 4to, portrait, original vellum boards, uncut, one of 1000 copies, 250 of which are for America. With Mosher’s editorial marks and changes for the printer throughout.
Sill, Edward Rowland. The Hermitage and Later Poems. Boston and New York: Houghton, Mifflin, 1895. 12mo, original blue cloth.
Sinclair, Upton. Love’s Pilgrimage–A Novel. New York and London, Mitchell Kennerley, 1911. 8vo in red paper boards with notice on front cover: “This is an advance copy of Mr. Upton Sinclair’s new novel, “Love’s Pilgrimage” and is sent to you with the compliments of the author and publisher. This edition is for private circulation only and it is requested that you do not let it out of your possession until actual publication has taken place.” Reviews loosely laid in.
Smith, Alexander. Dreamthorp–A Book of Essays Written in the Country. New York, Mitchell Kennerley, 1907. Mosher’s editorialized copy for the printer.
Smith, Alexander. Dreamthorp. Oxford: University Press [and] London: Humphrey Milford, 1914. 12mo, original red cloth.
Smith, Alexander. Poems. London: David Bogue, 1853. First edition of author’s first book. Original purple ornately decorated gilt and blind-stamped cloth, uncut. Bookplates of Thomas B. Mosher, H. Bradley Martin and J. O. Edwards. Pasted-in at the front is a newspaper cutting concerning Smith from the “Kilmarnock Chronicle”.
Smith, Alexander. A Summer in Skye. With Introduction by W. Forbes Gray. Illustrations in Colour by John Blair. Edinburgh: W. P. Nimmo, Hay, & Mitchell, 1912. First illustrated edition. Several reader’s marks by Mosher. A selection of text appearing on p. 5 was used by Mosher in his 1919 catalogue on p. 9.
Staples, Arthur G. Just Talks On Common Themes. Boston: Scudney Publishing Co, 1920. Original quarter cloth-backed boards.
Steuart, John A. Letters to Living Authors. London: Sampson Low, Marston, Searle & Rivington, 1890. 8vo, original green cloth. Illustrated with portraits.
Stevens, Henry. Recollections of Mr. James Lenox of New York and the Formation of His Library. London: Henry Stevens & Son, 1887.
Stevens, Thomas Wood. A Pageant of the Italian Renaissance: Book of Words. Chicago: Society of the Antiquarians of the Art Institute (printed at the Alderbrink Press), 1909. First Edition. 8vo., 85 page pamphlet. Over 15 black & white illustrations; decorations in red and black. Text of the “pageant” as produced at the Art Institute of Chicago, under the auspices of the Society of the Antiquarians, January 26-27, 1909.
Stevenson, Robert L. A Child’s Garden of Verses. Illustrated by Charles Robinson. New York: Scribner’s and London: John Lane, 1897. 8vo, original gilt decorated green cloth.
Stevenson, Robert L. Aes Triplex. New York: Scribner’s (printed at the Merrymount Press), 1901.
(Stevenson) Trovillion, Hal W. Amphora of Robert Louis Stevenson. Herrin, IL: Trovillion Press, 1914. With loosely laid in two-page, printed Christmas greeting entitled: “A CASA Christmas Tide 1914”
Stoddard, Richard Henry, ed. Prosper Mérimée’s Letters to an Incognita. With Recollections by Lamartine and George Sand. Bric-a-Brac Series. New York: Scribner’s Sons, 1889. Original blue cloth.
Stokes, F. G., ed. Hours with Rablais. London: Methuen & Co., [1905]. 8vo., original red decorated cloth.
Story, Alfred T. Vagrom Men. London: Duckworth, 1912. 12mo, original green cloth. Publisher’s advance copy.
Story, William Wetmore. A Roman Lawyer in Jerusalem. New York: Brentano’s, no date. Bound in yellow cloth with orange and green floral design.
Suetonius. Passages from Holland’s Suetonius. No place, no date. Small booklet in brown paper wraps.
Swinburne, Algernon C. Atalanta in Calydon: A Tragedy. A New Edition. London: Chatto & Windus, n.d. Mosher’s editorialized copy for his own publication.
Swinburne, Algernon C. Love’s Cross-Currents. London, 1905.
Swinburne, Algernon C. Poems and Ballads. [First Series]. London: Hotten, 1868. Third edition. Green cloth. Mosher’s editorialized copy for his Quarto Series Edition.
Swinburne, Algernon C. Poems and Ballads. Third Series. London: Chatto & Windus, 1902. Seventh edition. Blue cloth. Mosher’s editorialized copy for his Quarto Series edition.
Swinburne, Algernon C. Poems and Ballads. [London: Chatto & Windus]. Title page missing. Green cloth. Mosher’s editorialized copy for his Quarto Series.
Swinburne, Algernon C. Songs before Sunrise. A New Edition. London: Chatto and Windus, n.d. [1877?]. Mosher’s edited copy used for his own reprint in the Quarto Series. See Bishop 364 for details.
Swinburne, Algernon C. Under the Microscope. London, 1872. Paper covers. First edition. Copy used by Mosher for his own reprint in 1899.
Swinburne, Algernon C. Tristram of Lyonesse and Other Poems. London: Chatto & Windus, 1882. Mosher’s edited copy used for his own reprint in the Quarto Series.
Symons, Arthur. An Introduction to the Study of Browning. London, 1886. First edition. 12mo, original cloth. With signed autograph inscription by the author on the verso of the front end-leaf: “To Robert Browning, Esq. from Arthur Symons” followed by an original four-line verse addressed to Robert Browning; below is the following signed autograph inscription by Arthur Symons, reading “I am happy to offer this copy of the first edition of my ‘Introduction’ (which I had inscribed for Browning himself, but held back in order to have a copy specially bound) to Thomas B. Mosher, printer of beautiful books. Arthur Symons. March, 1903.”
Symons, Arthur, et.al. Of Beauty — A little wreath from various lovers of beauty who have had the gift of expression. Copy No. 27 of forty copies. No place, no date or publisher/printer. Slim ten-page anthology containing the following pieces: “Modern Beauty” by Arthur Symons, “Dim Face of Beauty” and “The Rose of Flame” plus another selection from Deirdre all by Fiona Macleod, selections from Plato’s The Symposium and Phaedrus, “Sibylla Palmifera” by D. G. Rossetti, and “The Dream of Beauty” by Joseph T. Keiley, “Niamh” by Ethna Carberry.
Symonds, John A. An Introduction to the Study of Dante. Second edition. Edinburgh: Adam and Charles Black, 1890.
Tarelli, Charles Camp. Persephone. London: Macmillan, 1898. 8vo, original green cloth.
Tennant, Pamela. The Children and the Pictures. London: Heinemann [and] New York: Macmillan, 1907. 8vo, original red cloth, illustrated.
(Tennyson) Hallam, Lord. Alfred Lord Tennyson. 2 volumes. London & New York: Macmillan and Co., 1897.
Thackeray, Francis St. John and Edward Daniel Stone. Florilegium Latinum–Translations Into Latin Verse. [Pre-Victorian and Victorian Poets]. 2 vols. London and New York: The Bodley Head, 1899-1902.
Thackeray, William Makepeace. Works. Vol. 3 only. New York, 1868. Thick 8vo, quarter leather over marbled boards. Includes The Virginians, Vanity Fair, The Newcomes, Philip, and others.
Thomas, Edward. Maurice Maeterlinck. London: Metheun and Co., 1911.
Thomas, Edward. Walter Pater–A Critical Study. London: Martin Secker, 1913. First edition, blue cloth.
Thompson, James. The Seasons. Edinburgh, 1820.
Thomson, James. The City of Dreadful Night and Other Poems. London: Dobell, 1899. Blue pictorial cloth. Mosher’s editorialized copy.
(Thomson, James) Salt, H. S. The Life of James Thomson (B.V.) With a Selection from His Letters. London: Reeves and Turner/Bertram Dobell 1889. According to Dobell’s bibliography of Thomson, there were 1,000 copies of this book printed but only 400 survived a fire. This copy with Mosher’s notes and used as the source for Mosher’s June 1909 issue of The Bibelot.
Traill, H. D. Recaptured Rhymes: Being a Batch of Political and Other Fugitives Arrested and Brought to Book. Edinburgh and London: Blackwood, 1882. 8vo, original blue cloth. Presentation copy.
Travers, Rosalind. The Two Arcadias–Plays and Poems. With an Introduction by Richard Garnett, C.B., LL.D. London: Brimley Johnson & Ince, Ltd. (printed at the Chiswick Press), 1905. 8vo., cloth.
Trench, Herbert. Poems with Fables in Prose. 2 vols. London: Constable and Company Ltd., 1918. First edition. 8vo., blue cloth.
Trevelyan, Robert Calverly. Mallow and Asphodel. London: Macmillan Co., 1898. Trevelyan’s first book. Cloth.
Trollope, Anthony. Barchester Towers. Everyman’s Library. London: Dent, 1909. 12mo, quarter leather over cloth.
Trollope, Frances. Domestic Manners of the Americans. New York: Howard Wilford Bell, 1904. 12mo, original green cloth.
Truman, Joseph. Afterthoughts. London and New York: Macmillan, 1889. Original green cloth.
Twain, Mark. The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. New York and London: Harper, 1906. 8vo, original red cloth, illustrated.
Twain, Mark. The Mysterious Stranger–A Romance. New York and London: Harper, 1916. Small 4to, original black cloth with pictorial plate on front cover. With illustrations by N. C. Wyeth. This book was once owned by Mosher and given as a gift with the following inscription on a front end paper: “Dear Stillman: M.T. has killed the Bogey-Man, which as you know is merely Hartley Coleridge’s ‘old man with the whiskers’–in other words ‘old Jaweh’, the Jewish and Christian Deus (deuce) or God. You who love Marcus Twainius will therefore rejoice in this book, which I send along–a belated Christmas gift. Fare well and prosper! Thomas Bird Mosher. Jan. 6, 1918″ and on an end paper in the back Mosher had written: “This is the Kasidah of Burton, the Rubaiyat of Omar, the De Rerum Natura of Lucretius, done into a fairy tale, done with a love for Truth and with splendid finality, by our own Mark Twain. TBM I wish Ingersoll could have lived to read it.”

(Vale Press) Field, Michael. Fair Rosamund. [London, 1897]. 8vo, limited edition.
(Vale Press) Field, Michael. Julia Domna–A Play [London: Vale Press (Ballantyne Press printing for Hacon & Ricketts)], 1903.
(Vale Press) Symonds, John A., trans. The Life of Benvenuto Cellini. 2 vols. [London: Vale Press (Ballantyne Press printing for Hacon & Ricketts), 1900]. Small folio, original linen-backed boards, uncut. One of 300 copies. Mosher commented about this book: “…without the lengthy Introduction, of some 60 pages, also lacking Illustrations, Notes, Appendix and Index which Symonds gave, and which he presumably intended to accompany any and all editions that might in future be called for, this reprint stands as a sumptuous model of everything a book should not be! May it not have been one of the proximate causes of that tremendous debacle which has recently taken place in the public appreciation of so-called “artistic” book-making?” —The Bibelot, Vol. XII, 1906, p. 382.
(Vale Press) Field, M. The Race of Leaves. [London, 1901]. 8vo, limited edition.
Van Doren, Carl. The American Novel. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1921. First edition. With original dust jacket. Inscribed “To – Thomas Bird Mosher / From – Spencer Miller, Jr / With love / Christmas / 1921”
Varney, George. A Brief History of Maine. Illustrated. Portland, ME: McClellan, Mosher & Co., 1888.
Wales, Hubert. The Yoke. New York: The Stuyvesant Press, 1908. Octavo, red decorated cloth.
Warren, E. P. Alcmaeon Hypermestra Caeneus. Oxford: Blackwell [and New York: Longmans, Green], 1919. 8vo, original quarter linen over blue boards with paper labels.
Warren, John B. Leicester (Lord de Tabley). Orpheus in Thrace and Other Poems. London: Smith, Elder & Co. and Manchester: Sherratt & Hughes, 1901. 8vo, white cloth, first edition.
Watts, Rev. Isaac. Psalms, Hymns, & Spiritual Songs of the Rev. Isaac Watts, D.D. to which are added, Select Hymns from other authors; and Directions for Musical Expression. By Samuel Worcester. Stereotype edition. Boston: Samuel T. Armstrong and Crocker & Brewster, 1823. Edward Toppan Little’s copy in full straight-grain morocco. Signed by Mosher and with his “I steer by the stars” bookplate.
Warren, John B Leicester (Lord de Tabley). Philocretes: A Metrical Drama. After the Antique. By M.A. London: Alfred W. Bennett, 1866. First edition. PRESENTATION COPY: inscribed by the author ” A. Webster from the Author.” Webster is most likely Augusta (Davies) Webster, English poet, author and classical author translator.
Warren, John B. Leicester (Lord de Tabley). Poems, Dramatic and Lyrical. 2 vols. London, 1893 & 1898.
Warren, John B. Leicester (Lord de Tabley). Rehearsals–A Book of Verses. London: Strahan & Co., 1870. 8vo, blue cloth. Presentation copy to Augusta (Davies) Webster, English poet and author; also signed by Augusta Webster, Dec 1st 1870. First edition.
Webb, A. Pelham. Sonnets. London: A. C. Fifield, 1912. This copy with Mosher’s bookplate and a brief July 24, 1913 letter beginning “With the Author’s compliments…” to Mosher and author’s autograph notation on the front of the dust jacket.
Wedmore, Frederick. On Books and Arts. London: Hodder and Stoughton, 1899.
Wentworth, Franklin Harcourt. Forgings of the New; Studies in Socialism. New York, The Socialist Literature Company, 1907. 8vo.; two toned pseudo vellum spine and tips. Inscribed to Mosher in the year of publication, and with Mosher’s bookplate on the verso of the front board. Also passage written out in pencil and rear blank end paper in Mosher’s hand. The inscription: “To Thomas B. Mosher | with the regards of | Franklin H. Wentworth | Boston: Oct. 15th, 1907.” and Mosher’s hand-written note at the end of the book: “The poor have been promised| Heaven on the sole condition | that the rich might inherit | the Earth. Nov 11/07 TBM”
Wheelock, John Hall. Dust and Light. New York: Scribner’s Sons, 1919. 8vo, original green cloth.
Whistler, James Abbott McNeill. The Baronet and the Butterfly. New York: R. H. Russell, 1899.
Whitby, C.H. The Light of Life–A Little Book of Religious Verse. Yeovil, no date. Paper wraps. Inscribed presentation copy to Mosher from the author.
Whitby, C.H. With Myrrh and Frankincense–An Oblation in Verse. Yeovil, no date. Paper wraps. Inscribed presentation copy to Mosher from the author.
Whitlock, Brand (Mayor of Toledo). On the Enforcement of Law in Cities: A Reply to a Letter from Representatives of the Federation of Churches. Second Edition. Toledo, OH: Rosengarten & Co., 1910. Original tan printed and stapled wraps. Inscribed: “To Thomas B. Mosher, with the regard of Brant Whitlock / Inscr. 27 May, 1910” and also with a TLs on City of Toledo letterhead: “W-M 11 July, 1910 / Dear Mosher:- / I should have written you a long time before but I have been swamped ever since I got out that letter to the good people. But I must send you a line to tell you that your letter went straight to my heart and stayed there, and I thank you, too, for the beautiful copy of ‘A Visage [sic, Vision] of Giorgione”. It is beautiful inside and out like all your books, and I am proud to have it. Yours ever devotedly, Brand Whitlock.”
(Whitman) Bucke, Richard M., ed. Calamus—A Series of Letters Written During the Years 1868-1880 by Walt Whitman to a Young Friend (Peter Doyle). Introduction by R. M. Bucke. Boston, MA: Laurens Maynard, 1897. Original cloth. First edition of trade edition.
(Whitman) Bucke, Richard M. Walt Whitman. Philadelphia: David McKay, 1883. First edition, first state of ads. 8vo, original terra cotta cloth.
Wilde, Oscar. The Ballad of Reading Gaol. Greenwich, CT: The Literary Collector Press, 1905.
Wilde, Oscar. The Ballad of Reading Gaol. Chicago: Browne’s Bookstore, 1911. Brown paper boards with cover title/author in red.
Wilde, Oscar. The Decay of Lying. Pen, Pencil and Poison. London: James Osgood McIlvaine & Co., 1891. First edition.
Wilde, Oscar. De Profundis. London, [1905]. First edition. Large paper issue limited to 200 copies.
Wilde, Oscar. An Ideal Husband. London, 1899. 8vo, original mauve linen cloth, gilt decorations by Charles Shannon, uncut. First edition, one of 1,000 copies.
Wilde, Oscar. Intentions. London, 1891. First edition, green decorated cloth.
Wilde, Oscar. Intentions. NY: Dodd Mead and Company, 1891. One of 600 copies of the English edition printed for America. Cover and few pages only. The actual pages Mosher’s printer followed for his own publication of Intentions (1904) no longer survive, but the unmistakable rose or pink canvas boards (and the London printer’s statement from the back of the book) have survived. Mosher’s notes and limitation instructions to the printer appear in this surviving remnant.
Wilde, Oscar. Intentions. NY: Brentano’s, 1905. Cloth in dust jacket.
Wilde, Oscar. Poems by Oscar Wilde. Together with His Lecture on the English Renaissance. Paris: n.p., 1903. Limited to 250 copies. Cloth. Mosher’s edited copy of the “Lecture on the English Renaissance” for The Bibelot and for Mosher’s 1905 edition.
Wilde, Oscar. Poems by Oscar Wilde. London: David Bogue, 1882. Vellum decorated boards and spine. Designs on covers used by Mosher on his 1908 edition of The Poetical Works of Oscar Wilde.
Wilde, Oscar. The Soul of Man Under Socialism. London: Arthur Humphreys, 1907. Red cloth, dense decorative gold on spine and front board.
Wilde, Oscar. The Soul of Man Under Socialism. With a Preface by Robert Ross. London: Arthur Humphreys, 1912. Paper boards with dust jacket.
(Wilde) Ingleby, Leonard Cresswell. Oscar Wilde. London: T. Werner Laurie, no date [1908].
(Wilde) Mason, Stuart (Christopher S. Millard). Bibliography of Oscar Wilde. 2 vols. in 1. London, 1914. 8vo, original blue cloth, gilt top. With a Note by Robert Ross. Illustrated. Presentation from the author: “For Thomas Bird Mosher with kind regards and grateful acknowledgments from Stuart Mason July 13, 1914.” and reinscribed by Mosher: “I give this book to you dear Wiksell, because you will keep it – if only as a memento mori! TBM Mch [sic] 26, 1917.”
(Wilde) Mason, Stuart (Christopher S. Millard). A Bibliography of the Poems of Oscar Wilde. London: Grant Richards, 1907. One of 475 copies, this copy with the inserted slip inserted in about 200 copies, and with the portrait (facing p. 16) which was taken out of many copies and the illustration cancelled. Mason 656.
(Wilde) Mason, Stuart. A Bibliography of the Poems of Oscar Wilde. New York: Mitchell Kennerley, 1908. One of 50 copies (of the 475 printed for Grant Richards) “reserved for sale in America, and issued with a substituted title page bearing the device and imprint of Mitchell Kennerley, New York, dated 1908.” Mason 658.
(Wilde) Ransome, Arthur. Oscar Wilde–A Critical Study. New York: Mitchell Kennerley, 1902. Blue, gilt decorated cloth.
(Wilde) Rodd, Rennell. Rose-Leaf and Apple-Leaf L’Envoi. [London: Leonard Smithers, 1907] Piracy edition, cloth boards, printed from the original 1882 Philadelphia first edition.
(Wilde) Sherpard, Robert H. Oscar Wilde The Story of an Unhappy Friendship. London: Greening & Co., Ltd, 1905. Blue cloth with gilt.
(Wilde) Stuart-Young, J. M. Osrac, the Self-Sufficient. London, 1905. Laid in is a one page typed letter, 24th January, 1907″ from the author to Mosher praising Mosher on his “sumptuous editions” and asking Mosher if he would want to print Osrac in America. Additional material inserted.
Wilkinson, Louis U. The Buffoon. New York: Alfred A Knopf, 1916. 8vo, green cloth.
Williams, Iolo Aneurin. By-Ways Round Helicon: a kind of anthology. London: William Heinemann, 1922. First Edition. Blue boards with dust jacket.
Williams, Iolo Aneurin. Poems. London: Methuen, [1915]. First Edition. 12mo. Original boards.
Williams, Monier, trans. Sakoontalá or The Lost Ring. An Indian Drama. Translated into English Prose and Verse from the Sanskrit of Kálidása. New York: Dodd, Mead, 1885. Small 4to, original wrappers. Text within decorated border. One of 110 copies on Japan paper. Another copy in red cloth.
Wilson, Woodrow. Address of the President of the United States delivered at a joint session of the two houses of Congress, April 2, 1917. Garden City: Doubleday Page and Co., 1917.
Woolson, Abba Gould. With Garlands Green. Cambridge, MA: Privately Printed (The University Press), 1915, Inscribed: “For Mr. and Mrs. Thomas B. Mosher from Abba Gold Woolson, The Sherwood [family hotel], Portland, April 3, 1916.”
Wordsworth, Dorothy. Passages from Dorothy Wordsworth’s Journal. No place, no date.
Yeo, Margaret. The Abiding City. London: The Society of SS. Peter & Paul, 1915. 8vo, original wrappers, illustrated by Martin Travers. Inscribed by the poet, Thomas Jones, to T.B.M., August 1923.
Yost, Casper S. Patience Worth–A Psychic Mystery. New York: Henry Holt, 1916. 8vo, original gilt decorated green cloth. With inscription from the poet, Thomas S. Jones, Jr. to Mosher.
Zangwill, Israel. Blind Children–Poems. London: William Heinemann, 1903.
Zola, Emile. A Love Episode. London: Vizetelly & Co., 1887. 12mo, original cloth.