“Mark Twain’s Scrap Book” (about 9 1/2″ x 6 1/2″). Supplied spine title “Modern Love.” Includes four letters and three postcard requests on / about Mosher’s edition of Modern Love (1891). Also includes printed ordering ephemera and numerous clippings from newspapers and magazines (see reviews).
“Mark Twain’s Scrap Book” (about 9 1/2″ x 6 1/2″). Supplied spine title “The Bibelot.” Includes printed ephemera on Mosher’s little magazine begun in 1895, The Bibelot. Also a newspaper ad from the Eastern Argus dated Dec. 2, 1895 in which Mosher advertised his “Closing Out Sale” of his blank book, stationary and office supplies business so that he may “devote himself to publishing.”
“Mark Twain’s Scrap Book” (about 9 1/2″ x 6 1/2″). Supplied spine title “The City of Dreadful Night.” Includes two letters (one from Theodore L. DeVinne). Also includes printed ephemera and numerous clippings from newspapers and magazines.
“Mark Twain’s Scrap Book” (about 9 1/2″ x 6 1/2″). Supplied spine title “Bibelot Series.” Includes four letters and three postcard. Also includes printed ordering ephemera, numerous clippings from newspapers and magazines, and a Japan vellum cover from Old World Lyrics (1893).
Folio Scrap Book (about 15″ x 10″). 108 numbered leaves with a total of 129 pages of newspaper and magazine clippings with some manuscript material. Index at front, opposite page marked “Property of Thomas B. Mosher Portland Me,” provided in the hand of Flora Macdonald Lamb, Mosher’s assistant, including entries on Charlotte Bronte, Sir Richard Burton, T. L. DeVinne, James Douglas, Ernest Dowson, Dunn Emer Press, Lionel Johnson, W. E. Henley, Vernon Lee, Richard Le Gallienne, J. W. Mackail, George Meredith, William Morris, Mosher Book Reviews, George Moore, Frank Norris, Walter Pater, W. M Reedy, Walt Whitman, Oscar Wilde, James Thompson, and many others. Manuscript material includes three pages “Englished by A. [Aimee] Lenalie” entitled “Ballad to John Payne–Translator of Villon (by Théodore de Banville);” two typed carbons of translations by Aimee Lenalie; a poem “To Richard Jefferies” by J. M. B.; a poem entitled “At the Tomb of James Thompson” by Leonard Doughty; and an anonymous three-page typescript entitled “Definition of a Gentleman.”
Folio Scrap Book (about 14″ x 11″). 103 numbered leaves with a total of 132 pages of newspaper and magazine clippings, and a few prospectuses. A two page index, in the hand of Flora Macdonald Lamb, is loosely laid in at front where the words “Property of Thomas B. Mosher Portland ME” appear. Index includes listings for Michael Angelo, Aucassin and Nicolete, Robert Bridges, City of Dreadful Night, Watts Dunston, Essay from the Guardian, Félise, FitzGerald, Eugene Field, Theophile Gautier, Grolier Club, Thomas Hardy, Homeward Songs by the Way, Helen of Troy, Elbert Hubbard, In Praise of Omar, Esabel Iwing, Edward Burne-Jones, Andrew Lang, Mosher Book Reviews, Dr. S. W. Mitchell, Fiona Macleod, Old World Series, Omar, Walter Pater, Rossetti’s Poems, Rubaiyat of Omar, Thomas Reed, Arthur Symons, Swinburne, Symonds, Stevenson, Shaw-Play, The Bibelot Series, The Bibelot, Upanishads, Henry Van Dyke, Paul Verlaine, Oscar Wilde, Irving Way, W. B. Yeats, and others. The few pieces of manuscript material enclosed include: a four page handwritten list of reviews and notices on A.E.’s Homeward: Songs by the Way;” two page typed/signed letter from the literary editor of The Louisville Times; and a note from J. C. Parrott of The Modern Priscilla.